Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Interview with Molly Ann Fairley

Newark was fantastic.  A great show all round.  We are now in the run up to the Monastery,  Manchester on 5th and 6th of October.

Although we've had some great interviews so far, we have even more on the way leading up to the Monastery.  Today we're featuring an interview with Molly Ann Fairley, who will be giving a talk on the sunday about the effects of past lives, karma and childhood programming on our lives.  Molly Ann is the founder of The School of Psychic Studies and the psychic teachings available are now being taught  around the world.  We'd like to thank Molly Ann for taking the time to answer our questions, as always it's been an incredible read.

Molly Ann can be found online at

 Can you tell us a little bit about yourself and your work.

My name is Molly Ann Fairley and I have been working as a psychic, medium and healer for over 20 years. More recently I have been writing books and creating healing products.
People from all walks of life come to me for guidance and healing. Some work with me over the phone, others like personal contact and make the journey to my home. I have always been interested in others and feel truly blessed that I have been able to help so many. Many years ago I had a spontaneous ‘psychic opening’ after which I was able to perform psychic surgery and channel accurate information.
Each day I receive wonderful thanks and blessings from ladies who are happy with their readings - Ladies who tell me that the healings and the readings enable them to know how to bring about positive change.

Why do your think there is such a strong demand for spiritual and psychic work these days.  Is humanity a little bit lost or are we evolving?

I do see that there is a greater demand for psychic and spiritual work than there would have been years ago. Because I am 66 I can scan back a long way into time so I have some experience to back up these observations.
I believe that many souls have now incarnated to help the planet lift its vibration. I have read that we have been going through the darkest era now. There is less kindness and consideration than when I was younger and I think we are living in a ‘me’ time when many people are only concerned about money and themselves. People need more help and they need to be able to overcome their fears. More is demanded of an individual. For example, old people need to make sure they have enough money to live on because their off spring may not be there for them. Younger people are getting overburdened with their parents living longer and suffering disease. People died younger years ago so with the new medical innovations we are having greater problems now.
I see many Asian ladies breaking out of their old conditions. Some of them are going through divorce. They need support as this would have been unheard of before and it is very frightening for them.
Karmically (I talk here of our destiny the karma we have come to overcome. It is said that we bring our past negative personality traits to rise above them) we are meeting up with more souls with whom we have unfinished business. This will put a strain on marriages that are breaking down because that person has to be able to move on and work out his or her karma out with others. Double or triple marriages are no uncommon any more. Children also need to work out their outstanding karma and may need to have one or more mothers or fathers to do this. This all leads to greater insecurity. The crime rate is up and the courts are not taking strong steps to quell it. This means that people are feeling unsafe with the mounting violence that is occurring. They need spiritual guidance. They need to be able to find themselves in their inner world and make themselves stronger to deal with these external changes. They need to know that there is a greater power than them and that they can tap into this power deeply within themselves. I have been shown that the purpose of all life is to find self-love a deep love for self within. Each of us would behave very differently if we could find this.  
In England religion has broken down. The numbers attending church are lessening. The Catholic Church is also suffering from a backlash of the behaviour of their priests towards children. Other religions are fighting each other and so it goes on. It always helps to read history because I then get the measure of how it has always been this way.
Women need to become stronger to run their lives without fear and to influence our world. They come for psychic readings, healing and guidance to grow, overcome their karma and get stronger. I see this every day. It is a joy to watch. Only yesterday I saw a lady in an arranged marriage with a husband who is cheating on her go from someone who is scared to a woman determined to find work, learn the language and support her husband until his need to play away from home is healed.

Can you develop psychic ability on your own safely or do you need a guide?

Someone can develop psychically on their own and I have seen this happen to quite a number of people. I believe, however, it is safer and more fun to develop alongside others. The budding psychic will see how they are doing, learn to keep pace inside a group (which is how we learn at school) and realise how much they are helping another. They also have the advantage of seeing how an experienced teacher works and this will broaden their approach. When you give a reading, you place yourself in a position of responsibility. The more exposure and experience you get the better if you wish to become good at what you do.

Can you tell us more about your upcoming talk at Manchester?

I am going to give a short talk about the power of healing.
Because of the changing planetary energies the power of the healings is much greater than before. I like to make sure that those attending truly understand the extent to which they can use this new power to heal the issues in their lives. That way they will get the most value out of attending.
I will briefly talk about karma (the just return of all that goes out must come back – spiritual law) to enable people to understand why they have the issues that they do. I will also refer to their past lives and touch upon the types of lifetimes that can bring about issues into this one. I will very likely at this point ask someone if they would like me to channel information about one of their past lives so that everyone can see how it works. A lady yesterday who was at a talk of mine some months ago told me she saw angels in the room. She is not psychic and this had never happened to her before. She is delighted for she had been asking for proof and wants to develop psychically so that she can help others.
After my talk and when I know everyone has understood what I have been teaching, I will give a demonstration to get the ball rolling. When others have seen how it works I ask them to tell me what they wish to have healed. When people actually see something work it opens them up to experiencing the same for themselves. Spirit will descend at this point and many angels will be present.  I am assisted by lots of unseen guides and masters. People can often feel the amazing energy of these guides and are usually very surprised at the power and the strength of the healing they receive. I always receive letters and emails afterwards thanking me for the day. It is very wonderful work.

Which writer/thinker has influenced you the most.

Many writers and thinkers have influenced me. I have recently written a chapter in a book called ‘The Light’ with Neale Donald Walsch who wrote conversations with God.  Eckhart Tolle is contributing a great deal to the planet with his book ‘The Power of Now’. I read Sai Baba’s teachings about love and feel very connected when I do.  I recommend Paramahansa’ Yogananda’s Scientific Healing Affirmations for deep healings. The words are full of ancient wisdom and carry a wonderful vibration for healing.  It is a little book full of amazing knowledge about healing yourself. I also like Louise Hay and Diana Cooper. Doreen virtue’s books and cards inspired me greatly when I was creating my Psychic Weight Loss Oracle Cards for women. Cassandra Eason and Heidi Sawyer have been big influences on me for my book ‘You Can Be Psychic Too’

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given.

Don’t complain, find the weakness in you that have stopped you having the courage to change your situation. Heal the weakness and then make the changes necessary that will get you out of the problem. Be prepared to persevere with the changes until you are happier. Be open to the possibility that it may not pan out exactly the way that you want and if it doesn’t learn to accept that fact so that you can move on.

Would you name 6 “Desert Island” books or films (ones you would like if you were stranded on a desert island - for young ones who don’t know about Desert Island discs!)

The Art of Happiness – The Dalai Lama
Be Your Own Life Coach – Fiona Harrold
Spiritual Growth – Sanaya Roman
Feel the Fear And Do It Anyway – Susan Jeffers
The Winning Mind – Sebastian Coe
Colour Me Beautiful – Carole Jackson

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