The Evolution of Intuition, by Becky Walsh
Everything evolves; new thinking takes over from what we
once understood to be true. Throughout history we have thought we knew all
there was to know, only to understand that the world is round after all.
Yet in some areas of life is hard to know if we are evolving
or reconnecting to knowledge that we had in fact forgotten. Intuition is one
such subject.
Most intuitive development will teach you about how to read another person’s ego. However there are in fact two forms of intuition, Ego based and love based. Ego-based intuition will always have a form of judgement in attachment to it. It seeks out fear and problems so we can limit them in life. But by doing so we also limit being guided to the best life we could ever have, a life in love. Love based intuition is purely about unity and the coming together of people.
Yet the more I use intuition to connect to the collective
consciousness and to love the more I feel the presence of our ancestors. When
watching the blue people with the long tails connect with the Earth, the animals
and plants in the film Avatar I was almost jumping out of my seat yelling
‘That’s just what I have been experiencing’ of course this had nothing to do
with the 3D animation (although that did make me jump out of my seat too)!
In cultures which have lived with the land rather than on
it, have had this connection going back over time. We in more western cultures
even believe it to be a special power or are sceptical of its existence. Yet
many people in big business rely of intuition. I am noticing more and more
people talking about the power of their own inner knowing and of the benefits
they have reaped in their own life by using it.
So why is it so hard for people to trust their intuition?
It’s because there are two forms of intuitive knowing.
The first and most common comes from the ego. We can read
another person’s ego, by using our own intuitive ego. What this feels like is a
connection with a person’s perceptions of fear and pain. It is only the ego self
that feel fear and pain. By ‘reading’ this side of a person with your own fear
and pain (ego) for the person, you can only buy into that perception harder,
even with the use of intuition. The same goes for your own intuition in regards
to your own life and the fear behind the choices you are making for yourself.
The life decisions will be made by the lesser of the two evils rather than the
expansion of possibility from an open heart.
Intuitive knowing from the place of yourself that is love
consciousness, brings you to a place of deep understanding of another person.
From the beginnings of their perception over time, to how to help them heal in
a sustainable lasting way. Often problems are a symptom of a deeper issue.
Dealing with the symptoms means those problems will only come up again in the
form of more symptoms. You have to deal with the inner issue. Intuitive
consciousness is a powerful way to be able to get in touch with that deeper
issue. This is all I do with clients now. It also helps you become unblocked in
your own life. Once we have a deeper awareness of our triggers and where they
come from, we have a better chance of not being triggered by them in our life.
What this results in, is the freedom to life by your heart and feel safe doing
I am not saying that you will never have another issue, but
they won’t last as long.
I’ll be teaching people how to use their intuition at future
BSSK events, please look out for me and say hi.
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