Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Interview with Annie Kaszina

This week sees us back to our interviews!  We're starting off our countdown to Newark with an interview with Annie Kaszina, who has a talk on saturday the 14th September.  

To start with could you tell us a bit more about yourself?

I’m absolutely passionate about the issues that really matter to women:  enjoying happiness, having a great, fulfilling relationship, and finding meaningfulness.  The reason why I am so passionate about these things is simple: I grew up not knowing how to do any of them – and my life really sucked – until I discovered the simple road-map that I now teach.  My official titles are: speaker, writer, coach, and relationship maven.  What I do is give women the simple road-map to more happiness, fulfilling relationships, and lasting self-worth, so they have more fulfilment in every area of their lives.

Is happiness a spiritual goal?

What a great question!  For a lot of people it undoubtedly is.  My concern is that a lot of people put happiness “out there” – as in “I’ll be happy when…”  My belief is that happiness is our ‘default setting’.  It’s been  hard-wired into us.  Sure, Life can get in the way.  Big time.  But there are some very doable steps anyone can take, right away, to get back to that ‘default setting’.  

Why do you think women particularly find it difficult to find their voice, even if they are in a happy relationship?

It’s all about conditioning.  Most women are taught not to be selfish.  Selfishness is seen as the ultimate crime.  I’ve certainly spoken to many women who’d sooner have their right arm cut off than be labelled selfish!  The problem is, you have to prove that you are unselfish, every day in every way.  

How do you prove you are unselfish?

  • By putting your own needs on the back burner.
  • By putting yourself last.
  • By deferring to other people’s opinions.
  • By not stepping into your own power.
  • By swallowing the belief that you’re less equal than men.

Can you tell us more about your talk at BSSK?

My talk at BSSK is “The Secret that The Secret Doesn’t Tell You”.  The Law of Attraction has been a watershed for so many people.  Yet, not too many people, women especially, seem to make it work for them as they would like it to.  So, my talk is a guide to the things that we do – without even being aware of them – that can get in the way of what we truly want.  And what we can do to change those things that get in the way.

Which writer/thinker has influenced you the most?

That’s hard.  There have been so many.  I love Dan Millman, Michael Neill, and the utterly irreverent Karen Salmansohn, to name just a few.   But one writer I especially admire is Dr Gary Chapman.  His book, “The 5 Love Languages” helped me to spot my lovely partner  His insights are absolutely transformational.  I’ve been able to use them in my work to help people resolve decades of conflict with close family members within a matter of weeks.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

“Start from where you are, with what you have”.  That has to be the most powerful place to start, but too many of us spend too long trying to get to somewhere else before we can really get started.

Could you name some desert Island books/films?

In no particular order:

Dante’s Divine Comedy –finally, I’d have all the time in the world to explore every last nuance of Dante’s poetry.
Roberto Benigni’s “Life is Beautiful” -  the most heart-breaking, but uplifting film I’ve ever seen.
The Marx Brothers’ “A Night at The Opera” – to transport me to a world of fun, silliness and laughter.
E H Gombrich  The Story of Art – I wouldn’t like to tell you how many years that book has spent on my “One Day” pile.  
Ignazio Silone Bread and Wine – that book has held a special place in my heart for decades
Kurosawa – Samurai Collection -  Kurosawa, and lead actor Mifune,  offer such a profoundly moving portrait of humanity, with a light touch, and the most amazing action scenes.

International speaker,writer, and relationship maven, Annie Kaszina – the Bright Future coach - is fast becoming the voice of relationship happiness for women. Annie specializes in helping women who have been hiding their brilliance to own their life, and their dreams, so they can live fully, love well, and laugh wholeheartedly.  

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