Sunday, 29 September 2013

Interview with Helena Hawley

With less than a week to go until the Monastery, we've got several interviews to post this week!  Our first one is with Helena Hawley, sound healer and authoress.

Many thanks to Helena for taking part in our interviews and for giving us some wonderful answers and a great insight into her work.

Helena will be giving a talk on saturday called "Intuitive Vocal Sound Healing and Animals" and can be found online at

1 - To start with could you tell us a little bit about yourself?

Living on the edge of Chester, I am currently busy doing things to help promote my books, as I have always believed that they only help people, if they are read. In them I share the teachings that life has blessed me with to help encourage others on their pathway. It all began with communications from discarnate animals. I understood that their messages were for sharing with others, so encouraged by Linda Tellington-Jones (International healer and trainer of animals and people) I set about writing my first book, one of a trilogy as it turned out. (The other Kingdoms speak series).
Then things took another unexpected turn. The discarnate Maria Callas came into my life and led me down the pathway of intuitive vocal sound healing, which I currently practice, often combining it with other forms of therapy I have learnt. Consequently the next two books were about how I became friends with Maria, learnt to love her greatly and where this led me, which is something of interest for potential sound healers and others.
I trained as a spiritual healer with the spiritualist churches at the beginning of the 1980s, going on to train with Rhea Powers from the USA, who was then teaching in Germany, as a Light Worker. This included the art of channelling, past life regression and clearings. The latter means helping lost souls go to the Light and clearing dark energies from people and places.
I laid these trainings aside for many years, whilst furthering my spiritual education with various teachers, until the time was right to become more actively involved helping others through my attendance at MBS festivals to sell books and give lecture/demos, as well as starting a healing practice for individuals when required in my home. To further my knowledge of sound healing, I have attended training seminars with Milagros Phillips, Karl Brunnick, and Jill Purce.
I have a comprehensive website, with full details and pictures of various things I have to offer, including my books, the latest of which is titled, “Helena’s Book of Healing, Fairies and Sasquatch”.

2 - Can you tell us about your up coming talks?

Most of them include true stories from life, which ones depending on the subject matter of the day. Then, the highlight is the sound, both the demonstration I give of intuitive vocal sound healing and then the toning for healing we do as a group. The singing for the audience is voluntary of course, but it is always exciting to see how it changes the energies in the room and to hear the feedback from the audience after they have sung. Questions at these events are welcomed.

3 - A lot of healers started working with horses; do you think they are more spiritually aware than other domesticated animals?

One cannot generalise. Like people, they vary, as do cats and dogs etc. Most of them are really good at telepathy unlike most of us, but how open they are to using this gift with us seems to depend on how they feel about us. When there is fear, that kind of thing tends to shut down. They are very deserving of any healing they receive, for even the so called difficult ones teach us so much. The more spiritually evolved ones usually are attracted to people of like ilk, and often come with a special mission. I feel sure that “owners” and animals choose each other on a soul level. The healing that takes place goes both ways.
If one allows it to, working with horses can assist enormously with opening one’s heart chakra. Love is the key word. Always choose love.

4 - Why do you think people are more in need of healing and spiritual guidance these days?

I do not know if they are more in need than previously or not. I would go as far as saying that the urgency for it is greater.
I do know that the energies on this planet are changing fast, relatively speaking. Therefore the opportunities for spiritual growth are increasing proportionately. This is where the healing comes in. It helps enormously, because the energy required for healing is LOVE, which also aids spiritual growth. Both giving and receiving healing increase love, gratitude, compassion and spiritual insights. It is very healthy in every way! It was this knowledge about the planetary changes that led me to write the sixth book, “Helena’s Book of Healing, fairies and Sasquatch”. It is part of my contribution to the present times.

5 -Which writer/thinker has influenced you the most?

No one in particular, but many have helped me greatly.
To list a few: My life and everyone in it teach me something, every encounter with anyone is of value, even if one is left with thoughts like “That was not a good idea!”, because one can learn something, if only what one does not want. Everything has a positive side. Then, in no particular order, Rhea Powers, Chris Griscom, Linda Tellington-Jones, Michael Roads, Samarpan, Eckhart Tolle and the late Maria Callas from her home in the spirit world. Without her, I would not be doing or teaching sound healing.

6 - What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

To love myself, follow my heart, listen to my inner guidance and to choose love. This also means letting go of all judgement, as judgement blocks the flow of love.
“Who is to say what is right and what is wrong” is an old Taoist saying I was once told. I have not always managed to remember it, or the rest of this advice I am giving, but I know of none better. When these things are in place, loving everyone as oneself becomes natural and normal. In my better moments I have felt this. There is always further to go on this spiritual pathway.
Loving myself wholeheartedly involves not judging my own actions. So there is nothing to beat myself up about and no self blame. As other people are a part of me, and I a part of them, it becomes automatic not to blame others for things. There is therefore nothing to forgive myself for or anyone else, no matter how much it may appear that they have “wronged” me or others. Everyone acts according to their own level of consciousness at the time.
Many of these things are so contrary to what most of us have been brought up to believe and accept, that it becomes clear that we have work to do on ourselves, which always benefits everyone else and all that is as well for the simple reason that we are all part of the whole. Always choose love!

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