Today we have an interview with Lisa Whitehead who is a firm favourite at BSSK and will be giving a talk at Newark on Saturday 14th. Again many thanks to Lisa for taking the time to answer our questions.
Lisa can be found online at
Lisa can be found online at
1 - To start, could you tell us a little bit about yourself please?
I live in a beautiful village in rural Lincolnshire , with my partner Jon. I'm a soul purpose coach, author, natural intuitive and award winning therapist, I also run workshops, courses and retreats. I've always been interested in the spiritual aspects of life, as a small child I lived with my parents, grand parents, great grandparents and great aunt. My great grandmother "Nanny" was a highly intuitive woman, who would have pre-cognitive or prophetic dreams, which were shockingly accurate. Although she wouldn't have termed herself as psychic I don't believe, being a Welsh woman from the valleys she;along with my great grandfather "Key" were of the Methodist faith. In fact I have fond memories of her reading the 23rd Psalm to me in Welsh. Although I have seen evidence of both my grandmother and my dad inheriting some of "Nanny's" intuitive abilities, neither developed this further. So it's no real surprise that as a small child I had many unusual experiences, that I would now recognise as spiritual in nature.
I continued my interest in spiritual and esoteric subjects throughout my teenage years, but moved into a corporate career that would last until 2004. That's not to say I didn't have many nudges towards my true calling along the way. When I didn't listen to those nudges I found my self being hit by a rather large universal sledge hammer.... firstly after the birth of my daughter Sarah in 1992 I suffered post natal depression, despite which I returned very quickly to my high flying, high pressure career. Next I got a bad cold or bug that was going around, but didn't recover. Firstly I was diagnosed or labelled with post viral syndrome, then chronic fatigue syndrome and finally 6 months later with ME. I had a great GP, but he was unable to really help me. One day I spotted a card in my local village shop for Reflexology, it said it could be helpful with the management of Migraines ( one of the symptoms I had as a result of the ME....or so I thought at the time) I gave it a go.... and was completely cured , not only of Migraines, but of ME. I also had a homeopathic consultation to support my treatment.
So miraculous was the experience I trained as a reflexologist, then went on to train in several healing and energy modalities. I also embraced my natural intuitive abillities, specialising in Solestry/ pedomancy I felt like I just got it, like I already knew the links between mind , body and spirit. I simply knew deep down that whatever ails us is never just physical, there is a deeper emotional or spiritual core to any illness.
Fast forward to 2002/ 2003 I'd been practising as a therapist as well as still working in my corporate job. I'd experienced consultation for redundancy three times.... really just standing at the front of the queue saying " Give me the money, make me redundant"
And the universe responded.... admittedly not quite in the way I expected. I wasn't made redundant, I was head hunted by another company.... then made redundant 10 months later..... without any redundancy pay!
That was the real choice point. Did I look for another corporate JOB ( just over broke, too much month left at the end of the money) or did I follow my true calling. Well I took the leap of faith and on the 11th of September 2004 Calma was born. The Calma Wellness centre as it became was a nationally award winning centre with a collection of wonderful therapists. Move forward to 2009, and I was moving forward again, running workshops, speaking and working with groups. It was a fond farewell to Calma and helllo Get a Life!
Get a Life! is a beautiful mix of therapies, soul purpose coaching, speaking, writing and running workshops. You could say I open hearts and change lives. I empower people to live the full 100% version of themselves without exception.
2- I imagine this is very emotional work that you do, how do you cope with the negativity and hopelessness that you must encounter at the beginning of sessions?
Yes the work is emotional,we wouldn't be human if it wasn't, but then we're all emotional beings! I love my work, its such an honour to witness others' journeys. Its rewarding to see people come into their true potential. I'm not adversely effected by negativity and hopelessness, as I always look for the positive, for the gift within it.It's my work to help people unpack the good and the possibility of a miracle in every moment.
Your testimonials are GLOWING, how do you keep your feet on the ground?!
Your testimonials are GLOWING, how do you keep your feet on the ground?!
Ha ha! I find a washing basket full of washing and the weekly shop keep me very grounded and real, I'm no different to anyone else :)
4- Which writer/thinker has influenced you the
5- What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?
6 - Would you name 6 “Desert Island” books or films (ones you would like if you were stranded on a desert island - for young ones who don’t know about Desert Island discs!)
ooh... The Shift , the film with Wayne Dyer.
Wishes fulfilled, by Wayne Dyer.
The Celestine Prophecy, James Redfield.
Life is a Gift, by the late Gill Edwards
The Secret, film or book or Pay it forward the film
Just read E squared, great little book, so would re-read that
and I guess if I were going to be stuck on a desert island for a very long time, maybe the Bible ( I'm spiritual but not of any specific faith) and as I've never really read it, well bits at school and Sunday school, but certainly never all the way through..... I think it may be an interesting thing to do before I depart the physical.
I loved this. What an insperation. Keep on spreading positive living.