Today we've got an interview with Astrologer Phil Bowler. Phil will be at Newark this coming weekend, and available for readings. Many thanks to him for taking the time to answer our questions, looking forward to having my reading very soon! He can be found online at
1 - To start with could you tell me a little bit about yourself?
I am a self taught astrologer, and have been practising it since 1996. Initially I had a 'normal' part time job in addition, but since 2008 I have based my income totally on my astrology work. My wife and I live out in the middle of nowhere in deepest Lincolnshire, where we have a one acre wildlife garden devoted to butterflies, which does very well (when the weather is behaving!)
2 - Is there a place for newspaper horoscopes or are they damaging to your profession?
There is no place for newspaper horoscopes, it is those that give astrology its lack of credibility that the general populace pick up on, due to them knowing only too well that everyone of one star sign does not react the same at a given time. I always say that if everyone in a crowded room happened to be the same star sign, they would all have different energies activating their birth charts at that moment, and different areas of life would be focussed on. In any case, females tend to follow their Moon sign, which is usually different from the star (Sun) sign.
3 - Has the de-classification of the planet (it still is one to me!) Pluto had any effect on astrology?
No effect whatsoever. The Sun and Moon are not planets yet are the most important feature of any astrological chart. Some astrologers, in addition to the planets, take asteroids into account, as well as Jupiter's Moons and all sorts of other heavenly bodies.
4 - Is it possible to discover past life information on a birth chart?
Yes, the Nodes of the Moon in particular specialise in past lives as well as our destined paths in this life.
5 -which writer/thinker has influenced you the most.
No specific astrological writer or thinker has made any major impact on me, but in more general terms it was the sheer innovation of the Monty Python team in the late sixties/early seventies (you did ask!)
6 -What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given.
Never have expectations in people. (I still do though!!)
7 -Would you name 6 “Desert Island” books or films (ones you would like if you were stranded on a desert island - for young ones who don’t know about Desert Island discs!)
films: Close Encounters of the Third Kind
The Shining
Sliding Doors
The Bank Job
Falling Down
The Meaning of Life.
Lastly, what is your favourite real ale?
My favourite real ale? Difficult due to so many different styles that will be appreciated at different seasons, weather conditions, etcetera. But for sheer thirst quenching hoppy, zesty summery beer it has to Thornbridge Jaipur India Pale Ale. Fuller's ESB is a more all rounder that I never tire of.
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