Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Richard Abbot Interview

Wood Green this weekend is set to be another great show,  Richard Abott will be there presenting his talk "The Secrets of Numerology: How Numbers Guide Us Everyday", and we are lucky enough to have an interview with him on the blog.  Many thanks to Richard for answering our questions.  You can find him at Wood Green on sunday and online at www.yourwayforward.co.uk

1 - To start can you tell us a little bit about yourself.

The best way to understand me is like this...”when I tell muggle folk about my practices with Numerology, Tarot and Meditation they always say ‘that’s interesting, but you don’t live your life by all this do you?’ I always answer ‘YES, 100%’
2 - You said on your website you have zero tolerance for whiners, is that tough love or a way to find the souls that are genuine about change?

Everybody has something to complain about, and talking therapy is sometimes good for the soul. But in the global picture, most of us are blessed beyond measure and have a very little to genuinely moan about. Imagine for one minute the life of a young girl in Afghanistan or a black teenager in Detroit. Then count your blessings.
3 - Can you tell us a bit more about your talk?

 Mathematics (boring!) is about the quantity of numbers. Numerology talks about the quality of numbers, their life, their colour, their energy and their movement. Numbers are everywhere. Nothing of form can exist without number – nothing at all. We are governed, guided and directed by numbers every single day. My talk will help you to harness these cosmic forces.
4 - Which writer/thinker has influenced you the most?

My late mentor – Arthur Norris - was the greatest influence on my life. He was truly ahead of his time and was speaking about things that only now are coming into widespread consciousness. For example, he practised, taught and wrote about ‘The Power of Now’ over 20 years ago, albeit calling it by a different name.

5 - What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

The only constant is change. Nothing stays the same forever. It simply cannot.

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