Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Interview with Gaile Walker

Gaile Walker will be giving a talk at Godmanchester this weekend and has been kind enough to answer some questions for us in the run up to the show.  Gaile will also be giving a talk at Newark on the 15th September.  Another wonderful interview, giving us a great insight into her work.

Gaile offers healing sessions in Cambridge. She also runs courses in The First Degree and The Second Degree of The Radiance Technique®, Authentic Reiki®. For more information see: / Twitter: Gaile Walker @GaileWalker
Facebook: Gaile Walker - Author/Teacher of Meditation and Healing

1 - Could you tell us a little bit about yourself.

Well, I live and work in the delightful city of Cambridge, have done for a number of years.  I'm a practitioner and teacher of the most beautiful healing and meditation called The Radiance Technique® (I'm using the word healing here to signify becoming inwardly fulfilled, to feel whole rather than fragmented as we often can do).  On  25th January 2013 my first book 'Beyond Angels' was published by O-Books.   

All this is the culmination of a life devoted to spiritual research. As a child I always thought there was something more to life, something missing.  I believed when young that life could be perfect and at the age of 14 began my spiritual search.  I realise now it was a search for a good technique, one which would help me achieve the inner contentment that, even at that early age, I consciously  craved.

2 - Can you tell us a bit more about your book?

I would love to talk about Beyond Angels because most of what I know from my 40 years of daily meditation - and which is of spiritual value - is in this book.

The need to write Beyond Angels grew from the time I spent working with spiritual and reiki healers. I am able to see vibrations, the finer levels of energies that constitute personalities, and I often see the energies they generate.  As I observed their ways of working I understood the nature of the vibrations that they were using for healing and meditating. I watched the energies which healers removed from their clients and what happened to them. It was the difference that I perceived, between the pure transcendental light vibration of The Radiance Technique® and the physical energies of other methods, which prompted the writing of the  book. I felt the need to encourage healers (and meditators) to connect to a pure source for healing: Transcendence.  To use current language to help them 'take their healing to a new level'.

But, in Beyond Angels I am not writing specifically about The Radiance Technique® (the transcendental method I teach). It's about my own personal view of the value of Transcendent or transcendental healing in general. There are many themes running through the book and I want to assist therapists, healers and meditators to add this deep, Transcendent vibration to their therapies and healings. Alongside my own personal spiritual experiences and descriptions of more expanded and enlightened states of awareness there are a number of teachings in the book:

  • In my view there are endless methods of healing and meditation and they do not deserve the group name of  'healing and meditation'.  I believe that some of  these are helpful for the expansion of spiritual awareness and others are not.  Lots of methods I've observed would be better understood as aids for psychic development (spiritual and psychic being very different animals).  So it won't come as any surprise when I say that Beyond Angels speaks about the limitations of many current practices.

  • It's a book which looks at suffering, how we hold onto it and the quickest way of liberating ourselves from it.  Of the Grace that is available to us when we access Transcendence, either from the Divine personality or Transcendent teachings.

  • It makes the case for effort and determination for spiritual gain, and how life can be improved from that.  The quality of  life is based on the degree of spiritual awareness - nothing less.

Although I initially wrote Beyond Angels for reiki and spiritual healers, its appeal should be broader than to attract only these two groups.  I'm already finding that it's also of interest to those without this particular focus. It's definitely a book for anyone who wants to learn an effective meditation or healing for spiritual purpose: the true spiritual seeker.

3 - I read you support two orphanages abroad,  how is that going and how can people donate?

We're a small city-based group of dedicated meditators who use The Radiance Technique®  and we call ourselves ‘Cambridge Radiance For Children’. Since 2007 we have regularly raised money for charitable projects, previously donating to Kampong Cham Orphanage and School in Cambodia.  But at the present time we are supporting one charity only - the African project ‘Mahali pa Watoto’ (Swahili for a place for the children).  This is not an orphanage but a pre-school for 70 deprived children living in the slum area on the outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya, and we support it via ‘The Seed Sowing Network’.  The group is dedicated to helping these children, typically aged 4 to 7, who without the project are  destined for a life on the streets. Children attending the school are also given food.

To date  (August 2013) we've given £1,100 to Mahali pa Watoto (this is as well as the previous donations to Cambodia).  It's important for me to say that the reason for creating the group was to encourage people to meditate together; for the enhanced, deeper experience and to expand our awareness of Transcendent Consciousness.  Also, to direct pure transcendental light to these children.  The money we send them serves just one of 3 purposes.
If anyone would like to donate, please send your donation directly to The Seed Sowing Network’ -
Of course, should Beyond Angels become more widely known and a greater number of people learn to meditate using The Radiance Technique®, the new students would be very welcome to join the group. We very much hope that the number of meditators - and our donations - will expand.  

4 - Which writer/thinker has influenced you the most.

I've dipped in and out of many spiritual writing but two writers: Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and Dr Barbara Ray Ph.D. (who is the only expert on The Radiance Technique® and the holder of all the intact keys of this system) have helped me the most.  They have given me the means to achieve states of liberation.  But more than their writing it's their teaching techniques which have influenced me, in fact I did not read Maharishi's main text until after writing Beyond Angels despite it sitting on my bookshelf for 35 years. Beyond Angels is written from my experiences and subsequent understanding gained from profound meditation.   Reading books only points the way and this is where many New-Age / MBS practices flounder. Without a good technique it's so very difficult to achieve the states of awareness I describe.   

5 -What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given.

The kindest of friends once told me that I should give thanks for what I can see.

The behaviour of someone was changing towards me because of my burgeoning spiritual vision, they were close to me and I was feeling deeply hurt.  My friend's advice was priceless: clarity is a blessing.

6 -Would you name  some “Desert Island” books or films (ones) you would like if you were stranded on a desert island - for young ones who don’t know about Desert Island discs!)

As a child I loved reading and that enjoyment of books has remained with me but if you're talking about spiritual books  I would take the Bible, St Thomas's Gospel and other equivalent texts, purely because I've never read them.

One spiritual book I would like to read again springs to mind instantly: 'Autobiography of a Yogi' by Paramahansa Yogananda.  I loved this book when I was young and it's a really enjoyable read.

There are many other types of literature I've enjoyed and would re-read, written by authors such as Henry James, Isabelle Allende and Grahame Green, to name just three of them.

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Richard Abbot Interview

Wood Green this weekend is set to be another great show,  Richard Abott will be there presenting his talk "The Secrets of Numerology: How Numbers Guide Us Everyday", and we are lucky enough to have an interview with him on the blog.  Many thanks to Richard for answering our questions.  You can find him at Wood Green on sunday and online at

1 - To start can you tell us a little bit about yourself.

The best way to understand me is like this...”when I tell muggle folk about my practices with Numerology, Tarot and Meditation they always say ‘that’s interesting, but you don’t live your life by all this do you?’ I always answer ‘YES, 100%’
2 - You said on your website you have zero tolerance for whiners, is that tough love or a way to find the souls that are genuine about change?

Everybody has something to complain about, and talking therapy is sometimes good for the soul. But in the global picture, most of us are blessed beyond measure and have a very little to genuinely moan about. Imagine for one minute the life of a young girl in Afghanistan or a black teenager in Detroit. Then count your blessings.
3 - Can you tell us a bit more about your talk?

 Mathematics (boring!) is about the quantity of numbers. Numerology talks about the quality of numbers, their life, their colour, their energy and their movement. Numbers are everywhere. Nothing of form can exist without number – nothing at all. We are governed, guided and directed by numbers every single day. My talk will help you to harness these cosmic forces.
4 - Which writer/thinker has influenced you the most?

My late mentor – Arthur Norris - was the greatest influence on my life. He was truly ahead of his time and was speaking about things that only now are coming into widespread consciousness. For example, he practised, taught and wrote about ‘The Power of Now’ over 20 years ago, albeit calling it by a different name.

5 - What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

The only constant is change. Nothing stays the same forever. It simply cannot.

Monday, 26 August 2013

Interview with Anna-Louise Haigh

Another interview for us in the run up to Wood Green.  This interview process has been quite an adventure, every interview I read becomes my current favourite and I've been excited and surprised by all of them.  This interview is with Anna-Louise Haigh and I think her passion for her "work" jumps off the pages.  Many thanks to her for taking the time to answer these questions, and if you need to know more (and you will!) you can find her online at

1 - To start, could you tell us a little bit about yourself please.

About me – The main thing to know about me is that I am one of the really lucky people who neither has a
j-o-b nor do I w-o-r-k! Since 1988, every day I have the opportunity to do ME! What I DO is who I AM.

So what do I do? My passion is to act as a personal and professional mentor. I do this by recommendation from previous people who I have mentored when they needed help to navigate through change and self-renewal. The aim is to establish inner peace, harmony, happiness and meaning within your life.  

I mainly mentor women above the age of 35 helping them make sense of life events, cope with change and transition, and conquer their gremlins and limiting beliefs. Often my clients are trying to find the way forward after a relationship restructuring and at the same time trying to discover who they truly are beyond the labels of daughter, sister, wife, mother or professional. I believe that lasting empowerment is gained through self-knowledge, personal awareness and self-honouring. Although I offer mentoring across the spectrum of age, gender and need,  is my speciality.

I facilitate gradual lasting transformation through creating individual tools and techniques that will re-awaken what is sleeping within. The aim is to re-connect with what makes your heart sing and celebrate who you were born to be. Ultimately, this approach provides understanding of your soul’s purpose.

My personal journey has been the foundation for this role and perhaps like yours, was anything but sugar-coated.

If you want to know more…please read on….

The Journey is the best Education - Born in Leeds, England, our family moved to Canada when I was just 5 ½. At that time, life was good, very fun-filled and typically middle-class. However, I learned very young how to ‘be invisible’ when parental tempers flared.

From as early as can remember, I have always had an affinity with the power of touch to sooth, calm and heal through hands-on therapies. This natural interest helped develop a deep sense of insight and accurate intuition. At age 11 my parents divorced and a whole new life began.

The following years offered a myriad of challenging experiences and punctuated by rejection, abandonment and abuse which collectively would be difficult to imagine happening to one person. Living on an emotional knife edge this was a continual challenge. My experiences, fuelled by the unresolved issues, frustrations and actions of an unfulfilled solo parent, ultimately lead me to explore what drives human behaviour especially within relationships.

I didn’t realise it at the time however those early years instilled within me the ability to be something of a detective when it comes to identifying the source or causes of dis-harmony and dis-ease. This ignited my quest for understanding and answers created the foundations which have guided my academic education and professional direction.

Years of searching to find my own identity lead me to return to the UK at age 22 ostensibly for a 3 month holiday. Now, 30 years later I am still here!

After several years of full-time employment in the advertising arena, I ‘retired’ from the ‘rat race’ in 1988 at age 27 leaving the security of a weekly wage slip behind. This brave step would not have been possible if it were not for resilience and courage I gained through my upbringing. My time in Canada infused me with the pioneering spirit and this has been the driving force behind everything I have achieved.  

During the last three decades, my search for understanding lead has me on a personal journey which has included many years of professional training and personal work. By working through my life events and taking ownership of my choices, I am able to ‘walk my talk’ with empathy for others who are on their own personal journey. My education, combined with my background, intuitive and empathic nature, enables me to authentically offer the practical down-to earth yet an empowering and inspiring spiritual approach through personal mentoring, writing and teaching. This has allowed me to offer clear, effective, practical guidance as a facilitator enabling others create a pathway for self-renewal.

My journey has progressed from being a multi-disciplinary complementary therapist to Principal of my own school and Principal of a division of one of the schools I originally trained with, founder of an internationally practiced therapy (Daoyin Tao), international lecturer and Course director for UK students learning in China and Mongolia.

In the last several years I have been published and now have two highly acclaimed personal development books in print, The Soul Whisperer and Light-filled, Loving and Wise, (also available on Kindle). I regularly teach personal development courses and retreats. Most recently I have started to share my passion for Face Reading which I have been studying, exploring and enhancing since 1988.

I believe we are all a work in progress…sharing a journey….being the best we can….as we grow into all that we can be.  

2 - Why do think there is such a high demand for spiritual mentors these days?

I have often reflected on this question. I believe that we are all seeking to be connected , acknowledge and appreciated. Nuclear families have become distant and the pace of life has separated us from the close knit communities our grandparents enjoyed. Hence, the rise of social media exists to sooth this in-built need and does so very effectively, to a degree.

In addition, I feel that the increasing need for personal and spiritual mentors has been borne of a need to discover who we really are and why we are here following in the wake of the changes in our culture, society and economy over last 5 decades. If you look back over the last 50 years, the Western nations have zoomed through tremendous growth and opportunity reflected in what one expects life to offer them. Without the shadow of post-World war restrictions, individuals have enjoyed greater and greater freedom, opportunity, disposable income and material wealth.

The recent recession has sharply brought to light the question, ‘Who are you without your ….status, job, nice car, house, possessions, partner etc.?’ In the fore-running years, one would have defined themselves by what they owned or did for a living….unknowingly trading a deep connection with their inner- self for something with a price tag and a self-life of desirability.

Without the identity offered by being connected to a family unit, community, job status or material symbols, over the recent few years I see people are needing help finding the answer to the most important question … ‘who are you….?’  This inevitably means venturing into the question ‘what is my life all about?’

I feel that the need for mentors has always been constant. Now however, because of prevailing lifestyles those who are seeking guidance and understanding may not have family close-by, a religious connection or even neighbours to talk to. In our modern world, support and guidance is sought from external sources rather than from our close inner circle of family and trusted people.

When I look at the people who buy my books, seek personal mentoring or come on my courses or retreats they fit into a certain demographic. Interestingly most are female, between the ages of 35 and 65, have been through the ‘mill’ of life and are looking for something to help them make sense of their life. In many cases they want to make changes.  Many are seeking something to make them feel whole and complete, in the presumption that there is a gaping hole in them that can only be filled from the outside.

My belief is that we are more whole and compete that we are lead to believe. True wholeness begins with self-knowing and then self-appreciation, from there everything is possible. I would love to see the day when mentors, coaches, helpers and healers were not necessary. Maybe we should focus our wise guidance at the younger generations so they grow into all they were born to be with grace and ease.

3 - You have 3 Awaken Your Wow and Shine groups in the UK do you have plans for anymore?

YES! I started the first Awaken Your WOW and SHINE group in Harrogate in January 2012 and it has become a genuine hub for insight, inspiration, and personal appreciation. I absolutely love running the ‘WOW’ groups, meeting like-minded seekers of personal awakening and sharing topics that ignite a new passion for life and living.

In late spring 2013 I started similar groups in Penrith and Manchester. There are plans to start groups in York and Leeds. I need to keep the distances realistic so tend to stay within 2 hours travel time from my base in Harrogate. Therefore, I am more than happy to mentor and support anyone who wants to run a similar group in their area.

The success of the Awaken Your Wow and Shine group is lead by enthusiasm, experience and a genuine desire to help people appreciate what is right about their life rather than what they need to fix. That way they can build on what is good and nourishing for their soul and attract more of the same in everything they do.

I would love to do a ‘WOW’ roadshow over a number of weeks, visiting towns and cities in the UK to share the secrets how to ‘Awaken Your WOW and Shine!’  That would be fabulous fun and fit my remit of helping others smile and sparkle in reflection of all they are.

4 - Do you have any plans for a new book or has the other side of your career taken precedence?

More books are on the way as they are the threads that weave between my mentoring, teaching and personal journey. They will however be presented as e-books to enable me to produce what I am passionate about within a timely and efficient framework. My ebooks currently in progress include: The Butterfly Oracle Inspiration for Transformation, Nomenetics – exploring the soul resonance of your name and a simple guide to self-care massage for healthy breasts called – How to be your own Breast Friend

My aim when writing The Soul Whisperer and then Light-filled, Loving and Wise was that they would be timeless. They were written for seekers. Individuals who are on a journey and who need guidance and support through understanding both how the soul  communicates its wise on and learning opportunities along with universal truth. Since their publication in 2009 and 2010 respectively, I have had enormous positive feedback.

Through my books, we meet on the pages. Most importantly, through my writing I aim to inform, guide, inspire and empower. Within each chapter are insights into the philosophies and pathways that help readers become more self-aware. They also show how I would potentially work with you if the need arose.

The other sides of my work such as my workshops, retreats and face reading courses all weave together the aspects of personal awareness, growth and soul enlightenment. My books complement my work perfectly.

5 -Which writer/thinker has influenced you the most.

Difficult to limit my choice to just one person, however these people have each played a role - Louise Hay, Denise Linn and Caroline Myss and the present Dalai Lama

6 -What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given.

Everything is about choice - you are the master of your choices.

7- Would you name 6 “Desert Island” books or films (ones you would like if you were stranded on a desert island - for young ones who don’t know about Desert Island discs!)

Films – Pretty Women, Field of Dreams

Books – The Field – Lynn McTAggart
The Life You Were Born to Live by Dan Millman
Resisting the Soul by Nick Williams
The Success Principles by Jack Canfield

Sunday, 25 August 2013

Quintin Smith Interview

As amazing as Elsecar has been this weekend, we're going to turn our attention to Godmanchester next weekend!  

On sunday 1st september Quintin Smith will be giving a talk and demonstration of Spiritual Surgery.  It's going to be his last event for a little while so make sure you book!

We're lucky enough to have interview with him for the BSSK blog.  Again we'd like to thank Quintin for taking the time to answer our questions.  It's been a really interesting interview,  especially when talking about children and being in the public eye.

You can find him at the Godmanchester show and online at 

1 - To start, could you tell us a little bit about yourself please.

My name is Quintin Smith, 43 years old and I now live in Lincolnshire with my family after a few years interesting journey in sunny Wales. My main profession before I went full time as a Spirit Medium and Healer was that of a Paramedic in London for almost 12 years.  In 2001, I was ordained as a minister and I now a part of the International Church of St Paul which is a non dogmatic spiritual church based on acknowledging people who have spiritual gifts.  I was honoured to be a tutor at the College of Psychic studies in London for approx three years and I have continued to tutor mediumship and demonstrate both my Healing and mediumship ability up and down the country as well as abroad.        

2 -Could you tell us a bit more about Spiritual Trance Healing?

What is a label? Spiritual trance healer, psychic surgeon, spiritual surgeon, spiritual healer, these are all very endearing and sometimes seen as mystical terms, but my work is very grounded and involves using my mediumship ability to gain an altered state whereby a spirit surgeon called Dr Alun Jones works through my hands and is able to vocalise through my voice. We see people with all sorts of conditions from painful backs through to sight problems, neurological conditions etc. Dr Jones performs a mixture of spiritual healing and surgery by building the spiritual instruments inside the body to facilitate a change. All in all its energy at work and something I am truly humbled and proud to be a part of. In the short time that I lived in Wales, I achieve three National Awards for my Healing work with Dr Alun Jones in 2009, 2010 and 2011 based on positive and often successful treatments on our clients. These treatments sometimes helped forgo major and minor operations, much to the bemusement of our clients consultants! 

3 - These skills always seem to manifest in childhood, do you have any advice for parents whose children are showing signs of psychic ability?

I used to see spirit people when I was young and I also had the ability of leaving my body which seemed very natural to me. Children are pure spirit and some will naturally be attuned to such going-on's. These experiences happened time and time again from the age of three to approx ten years old. Although I never really discussed these experiences with my parents, I would recommend that anyone that believes that their son or daughter has such experiences, to listen with an open mind, be supportive and above all, don't knock the so called experience, so the child become frightened and withdrawn and the ability get buried. We do not own our children, but are here to care for them as spiritual beings having a physical experience, just as our parents have us in there own ways. We all have spiritual gifts and abilities and its better to go with the flow than kick all the way in my opinion. If you have concerns, then speak to someone that understands such matters like as myself or a spiritual tutor from an accredited organisation. 

4 - Did your 12 years as medic for the Ambulance service cultivate the empathy and need to help people in the way you do?

During my time in the ambulance service, I had many many spiritual experiences, so when I look back, I now know it was all part of my journey of healing, to learn compassion, become grounded, learn to use my intuition and to work with and deal with people from all walks of life, from the rich and famous, to the homeless in London. I guess the time helped with my confidence and dealing with fears in many ways as well, because there is such a varied work pattern as you never knew what was going to happen next!!I also repeatedly found myself working with lots of different crewmates all over north west london, who had heard of me and my work, so I became known as the service psychic, which often entailed fixing my crewmates back's in the back of an ambulance or giving a private reading during standby on a street corner or motorway lay by.  

5 - Which writer/thinker has influenced you the most.

If I was asked who influenced me the most as an author and or thinker, then it would not be anything to do with spiritual philosophy. In fact, I am more drawn to people like Phillip Day, Dr Tullio Simoncini and the like, who are pioneers and passionate about teaching people to rid themselves of illness in this stressful 21st century through natural methodology. My work as a healer and Medium is one of helping people reach their potential and quite often, this deals with emotional, mental and physical disease. Although I very much adhere to the general medical council and their guidelines, I also believe that there is a world of amazing things that reach out beyond the boundaries of general medicine that can help just as much, if not more in some ways. 

6 -What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given.

One of the best bits of advice that I was given was by my tutor. His name is Paul and he told me to just keep my head down and get on with my work as there will be those out there that would want to bring me down out of jealousy and ego. Because I choose to put my head above the parapet at times in the public domain, I have now seen many times this attitude which I have found very sad and upsetting. Sometimes, those that you thought were spiritual are simply not when it comes down to it, so sometimes keeping my head down and just helping people in my private clinics is the best respite possible. 

7 -Would you name 6 “Desert Island” books or films (ones you would like if you were stranded on a desert island - for young ones who don’t know about Desert Island discs!)

If I was deserted on a desert island, one thing I guess I would not feel is emptiness and lonely, because when you obtain a spiritual connection, it is far from this. If however, I chose watch a dvd, then I guess some of my favorite would be 'Stargate', 'The Last Samurai' and Buddy the Elf, simply because aspects of these films feel very close to home with me.   

Friday, 23 August 2013

Jacqueline Winters Interview

On the eve of Elsecar we have an interview with Jacqueline Winters, the lady behind the "Messages from Mother Earth" cards.  Jacqueline will be doing a crystal workshop on sunday, a big thank you to her for taking the time to answer our questions and giving us an insight into her work.

1 - To start with could you tell us a bit about yourself.
Hi my name is Jacqueline Winters and I am totally in love with crystals!!!!   They really changed and improved my life, physically, mentally and emotionally and are still opening my mind and awareness to new levels of consciousness, even now, after listening to them educate me for over 30 years. 
When I was in my early 20s I developed a severe case of Asthma, and had a few intense experiences where I was rushed into hospital via ambulance with flashing lights and a siren no less !! I was very frightened and was prescribed strong drugs which gave me the shakes and seemed to make things worse, for me.
Someone offered me a crystal (blue lace agate ) and said it would make me better and at that time I would have tried absolutely anything. So I gave it a go and I actually started to feel better very quickly. I decided to go on a course to learn more about crystals and to see whether or not the crystal had helped me or if in fact it was the placebo effect. That was the start of my journey into the world of crystals.
Working with crystals has softened my inner voice,, I was exceptionally hard on myself and had created an image of who I wanted to be instead of allowing myself to be the perfect person that I was.. I felt so passionate about the recognition of energy that I had developed and the understanding of subliminal messages that I was receiving that I wanted to share the knowledge with everyone and so decided to have a go at writing a Therapist Diploma.. Being a Leo it is natural for me to want to to share but what wasn't so natural was my belief in my ability to do it, So I stepped out of my comfort zone and began writing
2 - Can you tell us the inspiration behind the cards.
In 2004 I opened the British Academy of Crystal healing,which was accredited by the FHT. This was my first major achievement and it felt so damn  good knowing that I had written it and it could help so many people.
I carried on writing and developed the ability to channel and trust the information that was coming through me. Not long after opening the Academy I felt the urge to express what the crystals were saying to me and was drawn to creating a set of divination cards To my absolute amazement some of the Messages from Mother Earth information came through in rhyme and coincidentally they were;launched on the 5th September 2011, my mums birthday ,The intention during creation was to capture the essence of the crystal in the card through colour and words so that anyone new to crystals could sense the energy of the crystal from the card until they had acquired the actual stone.
The feedback from students and sensitive people is that we did in fact manage to do this. I am sure we had a lot of help from the crystal kingdom.!!
3 - Are these cards good for people who want to use crystals but don't know where to start?

Absolutely, they have a  picture of the crystal for easy identification, information on the energy of the crystal and a rhyme for students to help them remember the  effect they have. There is also a card with details on how to use and suggested layouts to use with the cards.
4 - What kind of techniques have you devised to use the cards?

The techniques that are offered are to enhance the chakra system, unblock any imbalance within  the meridian lines through the fingers and to effect an even distribution of energy throughout the body. There is also  information on how to use the cards to enhance meditation. Of course all these techniques can be done with the real crystals as well once they have been purchased.
5 - Which writer/thinker has influenced you the most?

I like Melody " Love is in the Earth" but there are many good books written on crystals..
6 - What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

I have been given lots of good advice but I suppose the best has to be "follow your own truth, the answer is always inside YOU "

7 -Would you name 6 “Desert Island” books or films (ones you would like if you were stranded on a desert island - for young ones who don’t know about Desert Island discs!)

I like "A weekend at Bernies" dvd this film makes me howl laughing a great energy raising film, "dirty dancing" I am a romantic at heart, Avatar....... love it., Books would be The Celestine Prophecy,, Starbrow and Star warrior by Tim Ray have to be my favourites,

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Interview with Annie-Rose

To continue with our build up to Elsecar this weekend, we have an interview with Annie-Rose.  An artist and reader, who has designed her own angel cards and does Channelled Guardian Angel Paintings.  I've personally found this interview to be very warm and inspiring. Thank you so much, Annie. You can find Annie-Rose online at

1 - To start could you tell us a little bit about yourself.

 I have been designing oracle cards for about 4 years now, following a sequence of events in my personal life that made me re-evaluate. I was introduced to the angelic realm by a lovely friend when I was at my lowest ebb and started my 'angel quest'. Over these years I have developed my work and recently started channelling angels both in word and painting. I have a degree in art and although I have done various jobs over the years, I feel so lucky now to be able to paint every day now and put my job title down as 'artist'! Life is good and I feel very blessed. :)
2 - You've written about a time of upheavel in your life before doing the cards - did designing the cards become a healing process for you?

 As I worked through my marriage breakdown and depression, I began to channel all my personal energies into my work, often painting almost non- stop for weeks. As I look back, I feel that each deck of cards I produced had a certain energy and resonance. The first deck was very much part of the healing process, and there is a real feeling of transition when I handle these cards. The next deck had a much 'softer' energy as my life began to level out a little. I talk about oracle card deck energies when I do workshops as I feel it's important to use the correct deck to suit your mood. I feel the angels have healed and guided me constantly over the last few years, and that I was meant to be on this path even though its been quite painful at times.
3 - How do you feel you've evolved creatively?

Each deck I have produced has been quite different and I feel I have gained in knowledge and confidence as I have worked through them. Technically, I now work at at least 3 times actual size so that i can create more detail in each card. I am about to design my 7th deck (my second angel deck)  and feel very comfortable to channel directly now. I don't think I realised how closely I was working with the angels until this time last year when I started to do channelled readings and paintings for people. My work has changed dramatically as I went through phases where I made wands and gemstone jewellery. Now I focus exclusively on personal 'guardian' angel paintings and oracle card design. 
4 - Do you have plans for any more cards?

 I am just starting deck 7 which has been commissioned by Soul and Spirit magazine. It will be my fourth set with them, and is going to be an angel deck. I have an animal deck called 'reflections of nature'  being published with Soul and spirit in their November issue this year.
5 -Which writer/thinker has influenced you the most.

 I have enjoyed the works of Paulo Coelho for many years and also angel books. Angela McGerr's book, 'an angel for every day' has been a huge inspiration for me and I refer to it in my talks and workshops. I have bought several copies over the years as I keep giving it away!  

6 -What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given.

The best advice I've been given was by a lovely man called Jabar (Shifa Meditation) who also exhibits at the shows, and whom I met in the very early days of exhibiting. He advised me to give something back. I make a point of donating to charity throughout the year and try to give an annual Christmas donation to my local hospice (where my mum passed away). I have realised its actually about giving back so much more than money though; it's about giving of self and I realise I am just at some shows to speak to someone, to give them a hug or to simply let them talk to me so that I can help. My whole way of thinking has changed now. Before I was very materialistic; now my greatest riches are my beautiful family and friends, my health and just simply being. I live my life with gratitude, and I've never been happier. 

7 -Would you name 6 “Desert Island” books or films (ones you would like if you were stranded on a desert island - for young ones who don’t know about Desert Island discs!)

I'm not a huge reader, but I do enjoy good films. There are so many to choose from that its difficult to select just a handful. I think I'd probably just have something that makes me laugh. I have always found laughter the best healer. When my mum was seriously ill, the whole family would go in to see her and we'd laugh so much that the nurses would have to tell us to come and be quiet! If I was stranded on a desert island then laughing would certainly help me cope. Having said that, I've learnt these last few years to enjoy the sound of silence and to just listen to my breath and the sounds of the world around me. My life and outlook has certainly changed!

Monday, 19 August 2013

Jacky Newcomb Interview

Our  interview today is with Jacky Newcomb, a favourite and regular BSSK speaker.  Many thanks to Jacky for taking the time for our little interview, it's been a great read!  Jacky can be found next at Elsecar this weekend with her workshop "Meet Your Guardian Angel"  She can be found online at

To start with could you tell us a little bit about yourself and your work?

I published my first book of angels back in 2004 and began a column for Chat it’s Fate magazine just before that. My column was called, ‘Dear Angel Lady’ and the name ‘Angel Lady’ stuck after that.

I am now a full time columnist for Take-a-Break’s fate and fortune and many more books followed! I’ve appeared on numerous television programmes including ITV’s This Morning, Channel 5 Live with Gabby Logan and SKY TV. I feel privileged to have been a guest expert on hundreds of radio shows all around the world and am frequently featured in the national press.

Despite all of that, my favourite thing is to give talks and run workshops all around the country. I’ve spoken to thousands and thousands of people about working with their guardian angels. And love to meet fans. They are so kind and generous and often bring me gifts of angels and jewellery!

- You have 17 books out, full of peoples angel experiences, do you have a favourite?

My favourite is usually the one I am currently working on or the latest release! My next book is actually about clutter clearing (Become a Clutter Clearing Angel)! They are all different and like children, it’s hard to choose which one you love the most. I guess if you really pushed me I would pick the book I co-wrote with my sister Madeline Richardson about the paranormal experiences that happened to my immediate family and friends after my Dad passed away. Dad always promised he would come back from the other-side and help me to write a book. That book is called, ‘CALL ME WHEN YOU GET TO HEAVEN’. People find it really moving and comforting and healing; it makes them cry and laugh.

- You've been told you have "great stage presence" is that a natural gift or have you cultivated it (this is from someone that can't talk if there's more than 3 people in the room, lol)

Thank you! Well at first it was really scary. I remember when I first began that only one person turned up to hear me talk at a show, and I was probably more scared than I have ever been before and since. You get more confident with time and I always had big audiences at the BSSK shows. To be honest, now I actually find it easier to chat to bigger numbers of people, hundreds! I’m very bouncy and pace up and down in front of the audience with my microphone in hand. Standing behind a podium is my worst nightmare! I hate it when I have to stand still.

- You've met a few celebs in your career, is there anyone you would love to meet?

I have! It’s been a lovely ‘extra’ side to my work. I already met my idol; Peter Andre was a dream to work alongside, and I wasn’t disappointed. Myleene Klass was so sweet too. I’m also honoured to have several celebrity clients; once you have one they pass the word around to their celebrity friends. It’s nice to know people trust me.

I’d love to meet Dawn French. I lived in Cornwall for around 18 months (where Dawn lives) and walked into a shop once, picking up a gift item and taking it to the till. I was told, ‘oh, Dawn French was in the shop 5 minutes ago and she bought the exact same thing!’ I was so close ...! I think she is such a talented woman but I have no idea if she believes in angels. Weirdly, Bill Clinton is on my hit list; I think he is so charismatic!

I’d love to meet the Italian actress Sophia Loren. When my husband was about 2, she boarded the aeroplane he was on. She picked him up and kissed him and he’s never forgotten it. As he’s usually with me when I do events it would be great to let her know how important that meeting was with a little boy all those years ago, and for her to come face-to-face with the man himself!

- which writer/thinker has influenced you the most.

If I’m honest I tried very much not to be influenced by anyone as I wanted to do my own thing, writing about angels and the afterlife in my own way, my own style. I do respect very much the work by Dolores Cannon and Dr Michael Newton. Both have published scripts of conversations of clients under deep hypnotic trance relating to lives between lives and even previous alien existences. Dolores calls it ‘recovering lost knowledge’ and it’s fascinating.

Also, when I first started writing I used to pretend I was Carrie Bradshaw the columnist in the TV show Sex and the City. I could hear her voice as I wrote my own notes – of course Carrie wouldn’t have written about angels as I did, but I found it helpful. Later the ‘voice’ just turned into mine and I wasn’t even sure how it happened. One minute Carrie was there and the next it was just me!

- What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given.

I used to sell costume jewellery years ago and in time built a big team. We used to listen to all the American author and motivational speakers and I picked up so much brilliant advice which has helped me in my career. You never stop learning and that’s how it should be. One that really stands out is, ‘keep going until you succeed!’ That made a lot of sense.

- Would you name 6 “Desert Island” books or films (ones you would like if you were stranded on a desert island - for young ones who don’t know about Desert Island discs!)

I love the movie ‘Pretty Woman’; it’s like a modern day Cinderella. Another favourite is Groundhog Day. I like the idea that you can keep trying until you get it right – it’s rather spiritual in that regard, just like life itself. Books? Well I’d simply read everything by Dolores Cannon and Michael Newton all over again!

Friday, 16 August 2013

Interview: Alix Davies from Chalice College

Today we have an interview with Alix Davies of Chalice College. Chalice College is a recognised Penny Price satellite school and will be exhibiting next at Elsecar 24th and 25th August.

We've loved reading this interview and want to thank Alix for taking the time to answer our questions.

Now, for some reason one section of this interview has decided to stand out - I've tried to un-highlight it but it seems to have a mind of it's own.  Maybe we need to pay special attention to that bit!

To start with could you tell us a little bit about yourself?

 I qualified as a teacher in 1971 and worked many years for Rotherham Borough Council in several local schools, I have also taught piano and adult literacy as well as teaching therapies.
As a little girl I loved plants, scents, discovered crystals, yoga and various other fascinating subjects and this interest has continued all my life. I have always had an interest in Complementary Therapies, particularly Aromatherapy and have qualifications in many areas including Clinical Aromatherapy, Infant Massage, Lymphatic Drainage Massage, Daoyin Tao, Indian Head Massage, Reiki, Crystal Therapy, Beauty therapy, Hot stone massage and others
I still work as a practising therapist so have an understanding of the every-day needs of a successful practitioner. My teaching is based on practical skills as well as theoretical knowledge.

When was Chalice College established and how did it originate?

 Loving teaching and having a passion for holistic therapies it was logical to combine them, so Chalice College developed. I love sharing the knowledge and skills I have and encourage my students to do the same; many bring here their expertise in a wide variety of areas and we share what we know so that we have more skills and information to draw from when treating people.
Working as a therapist I had tried oils from several sources and found that Penny’s worked best for me, so when I was organising my school I wanted the best for my students. I had done several courses at the Penny Price Academy so Penny knew me and when I approached her to discuss this she suggested that I might like to become a satellite school… I gave her my C V and so Chalice College was born in 2009.

You don't do distance learning, do you have plans for that or do you prefer to be "hands on"?

We have always had aspects of learning that can be done at home, for example part of the IFPA upgrade includes a tailor-made course to cover any aspects needed so students can then join the later modules without having to cover everything again (saving money too).
The Penny Price Academy has put in place some distance learning courses; please ask me for further information. Obviously there are courses that have practical elements such as massage where it is necessary to be present to ensure the techniques are correct.
My own view is that people learn in different ways so some methods suit better than others and it is a personal choice. If someone is confident in learning situations and happy to extrapolate their own information, plan their own study times and is self- motivated distance learning is good for them. It can be fitted into times to suit them and their other commitments. However as with any solitary learning, distance learning has drawbacks – the lack of discussion and exchange of views and information from colleagues being one, another being the opportunity to ask a question at the time it is at the forefront of your mind. I am always here to ask, but waiting for an email reply when you want to know there and then can be frustrating, also sometimes those questions then just do not get asked.
In class we get to know each other, it is friendly and informal; students are encouraged to ask those questions: information can be explained in a variety of ways and we can go over a point again if needed, also as a teacher with many years’ experience I have tips and techniques I can offer my students to make the learning easier.

Which writer/thinker has influenced you the most?

 I thought a long time about this –being not so young I have had a lot of influences in my life:  but came to the conclusion that the person with most influence was my mum. I know it sounds obvious but I didn’t realise it until much later in my life: previously I would have said this person influenced that aspect of my thinking – another that and so on. With a greater overview I realise I was lucky because mum was very open- minded and encouraged me to read whatever I wanted to and encouraged discussion. I remember she would let me have her library tickets (no internet then and children were not allowed to get books from the adult section and anyway the children’s section only allowed three books – not nearly enough), also she took me everywhere she could so I was able to see and experience whatever was possible. All this meant that I came across a lot of information and viewpoints, learned to be open to thoughts and ideas and to evaluate them and so my own philosophies have developed gradually. It is an on-going process.

What's the best piece of advice you've been given?

Again the best advice came from Mum; it was what her father said to her:
“Lass, what you know would fill a book – what you don’t know fills a library”
Never close your mind and think you know it all – always listen to other people and respect their views, you might think you are right but you can never be sure.

Would you name six "desert island" films or books?

Only six books / films. This was difficult – I am a bookaholic!! No six books would be enough, however thinking it through much of the enjoyment of a book is in sharing it with others, so the ones I have chosen are ones I have particularly enjoyed sharing with people who mean a lot to me and re-reading those books brings back that happiness. I have ‘cheated’ a bit; instead of films I have plays
  1. The Wind in the Willows
Mum read this to me when I was very young (along with many others). I liked this because I liked the character of Ratty, he was so generous and went out of his way to give pleasure to others and always considered their feeling, putting their well-being ahead of his own. I experienced so many feelings in this book – awe on finding Otters lost son and meeting Pan; fear in the Wild Wood; the feelings and emotions that were brought by the different seasons, and not least the humour surrounding Toads adventures and character.
  1. The Water Babies
Another one read to me when little. I have re-read this many times and have had increasingly better understanding of it as I got older. As a little girl I couldn’t understand how Tom could cry because Mr. Grimes being hurt and punished – I thought he deserved it. This book was probably the earliest lesson in karma that I remember.
  1. Tom Sawyer
It was so funny and the people so true to people everywhere. I love Mark Twain’s humour. I particularly liked Tom having to paint the fence and getting others to do it for him, it was so clever; also his comment that he was only called Thomas when he was in trouble – this came back to me when at times I gave my own children their full titles, and when they call me ‘mother’ instead of ‘mum’.
These three books particularly take me back to evenings cuddled up and sharing the emotions of all the adventures, to a time of being loved, secure and taken care of; love and happiness. I have read these to my children and grandchildren because these are things that should be shared.
  1. The Crucible. I am really thinking about an RSC performance here that was ‘in the round’. We were in a large hall, the actors moved in and through the audience and in that way we became part of the action, particularly the courtroom scene, became equally responsible for the decisions made, and so it was particularly powerful. At the end the audience was too stunned to react and it took ages before we could move to give applause (which was overwhelming too). I had taken my elder daughter and was a wonderful experience to have shared. The book brings back the memory.
  1. The Canterbury Tales
This again is a theatre performance, I had taken my younger daughter and we actually did laugh until it hurt. I have heard that term but this is the only time I experienced it – we held our sides because they ached.
Before the performance officially began, the late Brian Glover came out and walked round the audience in a chicken costume (The Nun’s Priest’s Tale). He was the Miller he told us and the powers that be wouldn’t allow him to tell his tale as it was too bawdy; he was drumming up support in the audience to get them to let him tell it, the audience joined in and of course we got all the tales including the rude ones. The humour was not just in the stories themselves but in the portrayal of the characters, the visual humour of the costumes and the altercations between the ‘stuffed shirt’ attitude of the ‘directors’ and the down to earth character that Brian Glover played so well.
I would choose this not only because it reminds me of a great evening sharing this with my daughter, but takes me back to doing ‘A’ level English Lit. We were only going to study the moral and uplifting ones but like in the play we all read the rude ones as well, which I am sure the teachers expected. A happy time I am glad to return to.
  1. The White Goddess. I admire Robert Graves, his poetry, his prose, his plays. I have added this book because each time I read it, it gives me more to think about. It reminds me of Graves himself, his other works and what a brilliant mind he had. This book and others like it have helped to form my thinking taking me to where I am now and to the so very lovely people I meet in the course of this work. Like Ratty they are generous, unselfish put the welfare of others as a main concern; they are loving and lovely people.