Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Interview with Michael James

Michael James is the co-creator of the Law of Attraction Centre  Founded in 2003 the centre provides workshops, retreats and coaching on the practicalities of the Law of Attraction.  He is also an author, speaker and life coach.  His talk at the Monastery this weekend is a great opportunity to see this highly in demand author and experience the Real Life application of the Law of Attraction.  Many thanks to Michael for answering our questions.  He can be found online at

Real Life Law of Attraction - can you tell us a little bit about this talk?

This talk is about how to put the Law of Attraction teachings so many people have read about (through The Secret, for example) into practice in everyday life. It is one thing to know the theory- but to get practical results requires a different approach. So my talk will explain, from real-life experience of seeing hundreds of people successfully change their lives- how to get genuine transformation in the areas that interest us all- relationships, body image, health, life purpose.

Do some people apply the Law of Attraction without even realising it, are these the people we consider to be naturally lucky/happy?

Yes- many people apply the Law of Attraction naturally. It is a very simple teaching and sometimes too much study can be counterproductive... I believe it is something we all naturally know when we arrive on this planet; in fact children often apply it effortlessly- many of us lose that as we take on false beliefs of the world.

Can you tell us a little bit about Jin Shin Jyutsu? (Must admit to never having heard of that before )

Jin shin Jyutsu is an accupressure-like treatment. It is very relaxing and allows the person to open up to knowing what they and the body needs to come into alignment. It's all about letting go and stepping back and allowing the Universe to do its thing- which is the essence of my teaching in many ways.

Which writer/thinker has influenced you the most.

Esther Hicks, Louise Hay have been powerful teachers of mine- and there have been many others

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given.

A good piece of advice- I don't know about the best- is simply to 'Relax'. But of course that's sometimes more easily said than done. My work is about the 'how to relax' which is so important in applying spiritual teachings.

Would you name 6 “Desert Island” books or films (ones you would like if you were stranded on a desert island - for young ones who don’t know about Desert Island discs!)

Apart from my own forthcoming book, which I'm very excited about- I've learnt that keeping things simple is the best approach- so I would take simple books. A book by Louise Hay- possibly her latest You Can Create an Exceptional Life as it's an easy read and the Tao te Ching... Then I'd take something totally light and non-mind body spirit like some kind of art/photography book or perhaps a workout book. The final things would be recordings- I'd take an Abraham CD and a chant CD or meditation (Soundscape) by Nikki Slade. I would also take my own CD Relax, Release and Let Go. This is something I designed for creating calm no matter what is going on- so it would be a great thing to take with me.

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