Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Interview with Becky Walsh

After the wonderful event at the Monastery, we're getting back down to earth and continuing our interviews.  We've got a great one to start us off again.  Today's interview is with Becky Walsh, a recognised expert in intuition, consicousness and spirituality.  Becky is also a Hay House author and speaker at many events, including ours!  Many thanks to Becky for answering our questions, she can be found online at

To start with can you tell us a little bit about yourself.

I am an entertainer who uses that skill to put across life changing spiritual and insightful information to people who could do with it. As a teaching I effortlessly blend humour with groundbreaking, smack-on-the-forehead insights that put YOU in control of your own life. As a intuitive catalyst I make hard to hear information that changes old patterns palatable.
I am a Hay House author of the book ‘You DO Know – Learning to act on intuition instantly’ as well as four more published books and six e-books. A sort after speaker and will appear at the world renowned seminar ‘I can do it’ in October. I make films and TV shows and I hosted my own show on LBC 97.3 radio in London. I also have a unique show where I gives live intuitive insights on members of the audience, blended with storytelling and improv comedy. I am a leading expert in intuition, self-development and spirituality which she teaches around the world and also the one of the directors of But above all, I am not very busy!

Why is it so hard for people to trust their intuition?

I was wondering that for years as I was teaching the subject and students still weren't living by it. So on an intuitive fancy I gave everything away and became a student in San Francisco. Now back in the UK I have answered that question from my research in 75,000 words in the book 'You Do Know - learning to act on intuition instantly'. But in brief for you here, its because they are using the 'wrong' kind of intuition. There are two forms of intuitive knowing and following the gut isn't always the right one to be listening to. It limits your life rather than expands it into brilliant ideas.

Can you tell us a bit more about Open Beyond?

When the economic down turn hit, people like myself and other practitioners of 'luxury talents' got hit hard. Many of them dropped out of the self-developments industry as when your struggling to feed your family, you don't have cash for transpersonal work. So myself and a brilliant tech wizzard friend Cat realised that we had to get my work to go global to hit country's not in a financial mess. Once we made a success of it for me, we realised that other people like me were finding it hard to go it alone and needed a passive income too. So we created Open Beyond to help people grown their business at a time when most were walking away. No-one makes it big alone, and so we wanted to be the 'seen it, done it' company to help the helpers!

Who do you see when you need a bit of coaching/inspiration? or do you give yourself a good talking to?

My business partner Cat at Open Beyond, she knows me better than most and she can go right for the balls when I am swimming in my own poop!

Which writer/thinker has influenced you the most.

At the moment I'm having an intellect crush on Robert Holden who I will be sharing a stage with at I can do it. My first intellect crush was on the late M. Scott Peck author of 'The road less travelled'. I met a lot of my self-development super hero's interviewing them for LBC 97.3 radio. They always say never meet your hero and its true, however Robert Holden glows his work like it's radio active and he swallowed it.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given.

Nothing anyone ever does or says is really about you. Which sucks when they say 'I love you' but its even true of that!

Would you name 6 “Desert Island” books or films (ones you would like if you were stranded on a desert island - for young ones who don’t know about Desert Island discs!)


V for vendetta
A box set of Robin of Sherwood / Carnival
The breakfast club
Closer - Although the stage play is far better than the film script wise
American Beauty
The Crow

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