Monday, 31 March 2014

Interview with Michael James

This evening we have an interview with Michael James, author and speaker and the country's leading voice in applying the Law of Attraction.  In October last year we did an interview with him and we wanted to hear more about his work and his upcoming workshop with Nikki Slade at the Monastery this coming weekend.  We'd like to say thanks to Michael for answering our questions and keep an eye out on the blog for an interview with Nikki Slade later in the week!

You've hosted workshops in prisons, how does the Law of Attraction go down with the inmates?

It goes down well-  because it is an empowering and freeing philosophy that doesn’t judge. I have found people in prison, in general, to be freedom-seekers who have felt confined by society and don’t know how to deal with their minds- so act out in a disconnected way and then, unsurprisingly, create a situation where they are confined physically. However there is a blessing in this- the restricted surroundings can sometimes lead to people ‘awaken’- and I met a lot of people like that who were actually very loving and caring people who were finding their way back into connection and love. It was an uplifting experience and very different to what you’d expect (if you’ve read about prisons in the newspapers or seen prison dramas on TV)

How do you deal with people who are disappointed that the Law of Attraction isn't a quick fix? 

In my experience, quick fixes never work- which can be initially disappointing to the side of all of us which dislikes practice and ‘doing the work’. In a way people are relieved when I explain that it isn’t a quick fix- as this explains why this approach hasn’t been working for them up to this point and how, with right application and regular practice, it can and does work. My Success Stories are proof of this- hundreds of examples of mine (and The Law of Attraction Centre’s - which I co-founded) approach working.  You can read about these on the website 

It says on your website you "evoke elements of Humanistic Counselling" how do you take the spirituality out of your work?

I don’t take the spirituality out really- although I might change my choice of wording depending on the audience, though I find I need to do that less and less as more people are becoming open to a sense of spirituality we all share. Humanistic Counselling is part of my approach as far as Carl Rogers’ (one of the more well-known contributors to Humanistic Psychology ) Unconditional Positive Regard in his Person-centred approach;  the idea of allowing someone to be exactly as they are, which leads to change- and trusting that everyone has access to the answers within themselves. It’s a very spiritual approach too, if you think about it. In my opinion everything is spiritual- and you can’t take that out of life. Though sometimes I acknowledge the label ‘spiritual’ can be off-putting to some.

Do you ever find people that get "hooked" on the victim mentality and compulsively attend self-help workshops. if so how do you help them?

Yes- many people. I’m sure I was in this mindset once- in fact I definitely was; Self-help became just another way to promote my helplesssness, constantly looking outside for the answers. In this way, this question leads in well from the last one- as my work is all about inspiring people to connect to their own power which is the true purpose of all genuine "self-help" . I guess I can sometimes be quite direct with people when needs be. My confidence comes from doing over 500 events and seeing many people change their lives for the better. So I challenge the victim attitude- which isn’t really them at all but rather a false-self imposter, popularly known as the Ego.

Do you have a "go to" exercise for bringing us back to living in the moment that you could share with us?

Meditation and physical exercise (for example, a workout at the gym). My book Instant feeling Good is a concise book full of things you can do in the moment to shift your mood quickly. You can see more about it at

Can you tell us how you and Nikki work together in "Sound and Focus to Align with the Law of Attraction?

Nikki’s work is amazing and she respects mine, too. We have both attended one another’s groups; myself and Nikki know each other very well- which helps- and I trust her approach. She brings in sound and gentle movement and I bring in meditation and written exercises. I find this approach works very well together. Our aims are the same; for people to get into touch with their empowerment and find their own inner voice (Nikki’s company is actually called Free the Inner Voice which explains this). The workshop will be spontaneous in many ways, sharing insights in the moment around some pre-arranged practices. I find this fluidity works well. I’m really looking forward to it.

Sunday, 30 March 2014

Weekend Reads

Happy weekend!  Hope you are all having a great weekend.

Apologies for the lateness of this post again, but it's still just about the weekend!  Still time for a bit of leisurely sunday reading...


A collaborative blog by Pagan writers about Pagan culture and issues.  Lots to read and some interesting opinions.

Blue Mountain Centre

The website for the  Blue Mountain Centre of Meditation, dedicated to the life of Eknath Easwaran and continuing his work.  If you haven't read his book on passage meditation, I can heartily recommend it.  This site has lots of free resources as well as news about retreats and the centres' work.

Melody Crystals UK

The website for the author and crystal healer Melody. who wrote "Love is in the Earth".  If you'd like to know more about crystal healing and what it takes to become a practitioner this is a great place to start.

Marc and Angel Hack Life

I've seen lots of posts on Facebook and Twitter from this website so I had a little look.  It's a wonderful site packed with life "hacks" to help you turn your thinking around, be inspired and apply some of this inspiration to your life.

Happy reading ;)

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Interview with Brigitte Rix

This evening we have a fantastic interview with author and medium Brigitte Rix. Brigitte will next be at the Monastery in Manchester on 5th and 6th of April.  We are very blessed to have her with us at our shows.

Her talk "Banish Your Fear of Death!" proves to be a cheerful, uplifting and non-religious event. You can find her online at I Talk with Spirits  Many thanks to Brigitte for answering our questions and giving an amazing insight into her life and work.

To start, could you tell us a little bit about yourself please

Hello & ‘Bonjour’. I am Brigitte Rix- I live in York UK- I am a Clairaudient Medium, Author of several ‘channelled’ books, Teacher of Spiritual Matters and Psychic & Mediumship development.

My decades of research in the ‘paranormal’ and the Afterlife led me to developing my own mediumship. I have been communicating with those in the ‘Spirit’ World for over 30 years.

Nowadays I focus on touring UK, signing my channelled books at BSSK Events and other MBS Shows- or wherever I am invited. I offer lively eye-opening talks, giving my public the chance to ask their questions on the Afterlife. I do NOT promote any religion.        

 I enjoy giving people hope and a greater understanding of why we are born and what goes on in the Afterlife-- BEFORE we chose to be born and AFTER we ‘pass over’—Those fascinating and detailed insights revealed by ‘departed’ loved ones as well as my ‘Spirit Guide’, are recorded in my authentic diaries of years of conversations with them, using clairaudience and automatic/ inspired writing. (Those are published as ‘I’m Not Dead: I ‘m Alive without a Body- Vol. 1 & 2).

My spiritual knowledgeable Masters also dictate from the ‘Spirit’ World books of ground-breaking revelations, (Such as ‘Truths, Lies & Distortions’),which merge the boundaries of Science and Spirituality, divulging hidden truths masked by centuries of disinformation and myths.                    
They provide answers to profound questions such as: Why are we here/ How & Why the Earth was created as an experiment /What happens before we are born & after we ‘die’/ Why illnesses & accidents come into our lives/ What happens during coma/ What reincarnation is/ The consciousness & sentience of Animals & Plants/ Why crop circles and other worlds exist/ Why disasters will hit the Earth/ How we can improve our lives/... and much more!

ALL knowledge provided in all my books comes DIRECTLY from those in the Spirit World. This led to my being kindly dubbed ‘The Afterlife French Lady’ by thousands of my readers and my audiences.  (Please see my website

If you want to know more about me:

I was born in a French family, brought up on meat (including horse meat...but never frogs’ legs or snails!) Yet, because I am a great Animal & Nature lover, I have been a true vegetarian now for 40 years (True veggie = No fish, no shellfish etc). This shows one CAN change habits! I am nearly Vegan--but only use genuine RSPCA approved free range eggs.

Grammar school in Algiers (Algeria North Africa when it was still a French country), then University of Nice (French Riviera) – Next, I made the leap from sunny climes to settle in crazy weather Britain, where I eventually married an English language Lecturer, Dave Rix. We have 2 children: James Christopher (Jim) and Anne-France. I became a Teacher and Lecturer in the French language.  (Sadly Dave succumbed to cancer a few years ago, but he lives on & now talks to me from the Spirit World!)  

Over the years I also trained as a Dance & Fitness instructress as well as studied several Complementary Therapies: I am a qualified therapist in Remedial Swedish Massage, Touch for Health/Kinesiology and Electro-Crystal Therapy (Founded by physicist Harry Oldfield). I also qualified as a Spiritual Healer.

You've been communicating with spirit since 1983, was it a sudden thing or had you been able to do it previously but hidden it.  Like so many people have said?

                                                                                                                                          Looking back at decisions I had to make over years, I am now sure I have been mysteriously guided and inspired throughout my life without realising it, until I eventually discovered in the 1980’s that we can all learn to communicate safely with the Other World!  I only recall one incident when I was only 15 yrs old. My French Grammar School was run by Catholic nuns, so of course I’d never heard of mediums and ‘spirit communications’ (apart from Joan of Arc!). During a Religious Education lesson, the teaching nun facing us was ranting about ‘hell’ as a place of burning flames and gnashing of teeth...I was used to that topic so took it for granted, when suddenly a different voice spoke clearly in my left ear: “Hell is not a place: it is a state of mind, a state of remorse!” This startled me! I stared around me. NO schoolmate or other person was next to me or behind. The classroom was several stories up. That was definitely a mysterious voice ‘out of the blue’! Since then, I have grasped it was my Guide rectifying the nun’s dreadful distortions of facts! But it was the only time I noticed such guidance in the early days.                                                                                                                                                                                                 As explained in my Introduction of “I’m Not Dead: I ‘m Alive without a Body”, from my teenage years I started to question the validity of Catholicism rules and dogmas: Why would a baby who was not christened not go to heaven? Why did Popes lead murderous wars to impose their religion (or more likely to steal gold and precious stones from other countries)? Was it what their Jesus taught?                                                                                                                                    

Then I heard of trustworthy people (both people I knew and reliable professionals) to whom departed acquaintances suddenly ‘appeared’ (obviously clairvoyantly). I then suspected there was more to Life and Death than we were told- I sensed that special aspects of energy were hidden from the public- So I started my quest for ‘the Truth’ whatever that was. It took me decades, as in those days I did not have Internet and easy access to books by genuine mediums.                                                                                                                                                                           It was only in the early 1980’s once settled in York, that I found Spiritualist churches existed and mediums demonstrated. I befriended a lady who told me she did automatic writing. That’s how one day, as she was showing me what she received from the ‘Spirit’ World, she suddenly passed on a message telling me to learn to ‘tune in’ and receive communications myself.                   Though I doubted I’d ever be able to do it, I practised daily and was astonished to very soon receive automatic writing to which my ‘Spirit’ Guide soon added strong clairaudience. It was January 1983. I really ‘tested’ thoroughly those early communications, being ever so careful to ensure it was all genuinely from the ‘Spirit’ World! I am now glad to say it was indeed and still is, constantly more and more astounding and enlightening. My ‘Spirit’ Team evidently had plans to dictate books so they would not let go!

 Your talks include some very intense subjects, including murderers, suicide and early death, how willing are the general public to talk about these subjects?

Those topics are often brought up by members of my audiences, that’s why I cover them. People do wonder about them! Too often there is a very mistaken notion that when we pass over, we ‘land’ in one single ‘place’ where all departed humans mill about for centuries…so it could imply that we could find ourselves amongst or bump into dictators & murderers- or people you hated!  WRONG!  The link is love, affection, friendship, admiration. So you meet people who are ‘on the same wavelength’ as you; that’s why you’ll usually be greeted by loving family members, friends, acquaintances you liked, pets– and of course those like your ‘Spirit Guide’ who have been looking after you from the Other Side.                                                                                                  

On the other hand, as long as departed criminals & nasty people’s mind sets remain filled with hatred, resentment and dark thoughts of revenge, they’ll actually create such an environment around themselves- and that’s what they’ll see, like recurrent nightmares-- because in the ‘Spirit’ World what you think creates itself, appears in front of you--because Thought is a creative Power! The ‘baddies’ will struggle with that until they change their attitude and yearn for kinder and more peaceful activities… and at last recognise the harm they’ve done when on Earth; then remorse hopefully  will step in.                                                                                                        

There is no harsher judge than oneself when grasping the horrors one has inflicted onto others. Remorse gnaws at you and ‘burns’ your mind and soul: THAT is what ‘hell’ is- a state of mind, a state of remorse. No deity judges us, we judge ourselves. One cannot escape from one’s own mind- No religious leaders (vicars, priests, popes, mullahs etc.) and no deity, can make you forgive yourself for own wilful evil actions against others, whether people or animals.

SUICIDE of course is not advisable- but NOT because some angry deity would send you to some non-existent hellish ‘place’- but because, once one has passed over (each case is different according to the circumstances) one may regret the action of shortening one’s life and therefore not achieving the life plan one had chosen when coming to Earth. One could also regret bitterly to have caused great grief to those left behind. Also a sudden passing may confuse the soul projecting itself to that new world. Fortunately there are always loving people and caring helpers ready to do help such new arrivals.  

My eldest brother Pierre killed himself because of atrocious pain he could no longer endure, as paralysis spread fast because of tetanus. His passing and arrival in the ‘Spirit’ World and his state of mind  are very clearly documented in Volume 2 of my diaries of 15 years of conversations with loved ones: ‘I’m NOT DEAD: I’m ALIVE Without a Body’, as our (departed) mum and grandparents were on the Other Side to receive Pierre. The enlightening chapters relating to this event give the reader great insights in what may go on in a departed suicide’s mind and how he can be-- and will be-- helped.                                                                

EARLY DEATH: whether a young child or anyone in their prime, many people in my audiences wonder ‘why?’- It is always a sensitive topic. Overall, each case will be different! This is better grasped when one has understood the fundamental fact that each one of us has indeed chosen to come to Earth, to experience life here in whatever gender, country, status we needed for that life plan. Since ALL of us are fundamentally thinking, creative Beings of Energy ’(‘Spirit Beings’), we all resided in the ‘Spirit’ World, BEFORE we decided to go to the Earth disguised in a flesh body as ‘humans’ for our own reasons. So before their births, both parents and future children worked out the aims of their own respective trips, and which events or emotions they wished to experience and learn to cope with – and perhaps use that knowledge to help other humans suffering too? –       Therefore a ‘baby’ is in fact a grown up ‘Spirit’ Being who had to ‘shrink’ to be born as a new human baby (just like an oak within an acorn), then develop to deal with his life plan- For example: Some may choose to only experience a short life (this time round…) and not bother with adulthood and its demands and duties?                                                                                                      

In some cases the ‘Spirit’ Being may spot a hiccup in the formation of the embryo; so he may withdraw his Will and life giving Force from it, as his future ‘vehicle’ would have been faulty. Others may bravely come, as a victim, to help notorious criminals be caught if the latter persisted with their crimes? (Yes, hard to grasp… but bad times are also part of a Soul increasing its knowledge-and are short lived compare to eternity!)                                                                    

To understand better the ins and outs of the reasons why we use our Free Will and choose to be born and experience various Earthly conditions, over many lives, please read detailed explanations dictated by my ‘Spirit’ Teachers in ‘Truths, Lies & Distortions’-

A personally fascinating thing to me - you include in your list of subject matter, cryonics - could you briefly explain where the soul is when a body is deep-frozen and is it dangerous for your spiritual growth?!

I mentioned cryonics (Deep freezing of a corpse in the hope that decades or centuries later a cure may be found to whatever killed the person and thus supposedly ‘revive’ the corpse!) because one day an American member of my audience asked about this. Fortunately in UK that crazy, extortionate and totally wrong idea is not fashionable! The only people who benefit from cryonics are the money grabbing firms making money out of an ignorant and gullible public!                         In brief: Cryonics will NEVER ever work! No corpse of somebody whose Soul has completely left the flesh, can be ‘revived’ to live a life again!  The Soul of the departed is where it should be in the ‘Spirit’ World and no ‘physical happening’ will affect its spiritual growth.                                   Why? Because each physical body is a vehicle very cleverly designed and driven by the future human (who is a ‘Being of Energy’--and was so before he was born- see Q3).                              

The body is tailored to what the human needs for the particular Earth life he wants to experience. We all are Beings of Energy within the disguise of human bodies!                                               Any flesh body comes to life when that Being of Energy and future ‘human’ sends his Will into the flesh vehicle/embryo. But the moment his Soul removes its Will from the ‘driving seat’ of the flesh vehicle (at ‘death’), the personality is liberated. The flesh overcoat was never meant to last forever so it dies. But the person is not dead and still exists as he returns to his original home: the world of Mind and Light i.e. the ‘Spirit’ World.

The flesh brain is not the mind – nowadays all enlightened scientists and psychologists recognise this, at last! As the flesh body is NOT the personality, therefore the body is not the Soul /’Spirit’!  When a car is no longer suitable to be driven, the driver walks away, gets rid of it. If his old banger is thrown in a crusher, a freezer or a fire, it does NOT harm that ex-car owner, does it?! So, burial, cremation or deep-freezing has absolutely NO effect on the Soul and Spirit of a person!                                                                                                                                              
The split second the ‘Spirit’ Being’s energy has left the flesh, the life current to keep the flesh alive is extinguished and the personality, the Being  is where he should be i.e. at the vibration level that fits his mind and emotion level. He is helped and guided to understand his new situation and to settle down. What happens to the old flesh carcass has no effect on him. And no doctor’s injections or treatments will revive the frozen corpse either!                                                                  
If ever one day, decades or centuries later that Being decides to come back to Earth, eventually (Not compulsion but choice: one needs a valid purpose!) it would have to be at a suitable time for his new aim, as a different human-. He will then be helped to design a brand new flesh vehicle (body) fitting the new goals of his trip!                                                                                              
More detailed info is provided by my ‘Spirit’ Masters in ‘Truths, Lies & Distortions’.                                                                                                                                                      

 What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given.

Several from my own mum! So it’s a ‘multi-points’ answer as she applied them throughout her life:

* Never say anything in anger that you do not really mean, as you may regret it later.

* Do not waste your time with trivia: read a book or find something useful to do.

* Think of others and respect nature, love animals and plants.

* Always try to do your best.

Would you name 6 “Desert Island” books or films (ones you would like if you were stranded on a desert island - for young ones who don’t know about Desert Island discs!)

 (Apart from all the self-help dvds and books on how to survive on a desert island-- and lively instrumental music?)

Films I’d  never get bored watching, so good on an island:

 - GHOST (with Patrick Swaize and Whoopie Goldberg)

 -All DAVID ATTENBOROUGH’s Natural History & Planet Earth documentaries.

 - Michael FLATLEY:  Lord of the Dance - & - Feet of Flames. (Brilliant. Sheer perfection).

 - FANTASIA (Walt Disney):  (Great ‘visual music’. Varied & full of delights)

 - HUBBLE TELESCOPE: Images of deep Space


-  All my own ‘Spirit’ Teachers’ dictated books! (The current ones and the future ones due

   out soon)

-  The whole series of ‘Seth Teachings’ (channelled by trance medium Jane Roberts)

-  Biographies of ABRAHAM  LINCOLN, MARTIN LUTHER KING  and anyone else fighting

   for justice and against cruelty to people and animals.

- ‘Complete Nutrition Therapy’ books.

-  The wonders of Human & Animal Anatomy books.

Friday, 21 March 2014

Weekend Reads

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend.  We've got some interesting websites to check out if you have any downtime this weekend.

Afterlife tv

Bob Olson is a former private detective turned psychic investigator. His website is full of articles and interviews with people about their psychic experiences.  Lots of fascinating stories.

Creating Mandalas

Mandalas are used for healing and psychological insights.  They have been used since ancient times and are considered to be one of  our earliest art forms.  This website has lots of information on the history and how they can be a tool for us.

Unexplained Mysteries

Another paranormal website that is great to dip in and out of.  Remote viewing, special powers, dowsing, space and dreams are just some of the topics featured.

Kimberly Rinaldi

Kimberly is a medium, success coach and ordained minister giving lessons in Joyful Living.   nice site to wander around with a lively and inspiring blog.

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Featured Exhibitor - New World Creations

"Our beautiful sculptures were inspired during a profound visitation where Angels shared a heartfelt message of peace, love and unity..."

That quote from New World Creations sums up exactly how you feel about their pieces when you see them.

Marco and Catherine have created something very special with their sculptures.  The idea behind them is very simple.  It's something precious to wear, look at or hold to inspire a feeling of peace or healing.  

Everything is designed and made by them.  Their website is not simply a platform to sell but also has some lovely sections on meditation, healing, and the symbolism in their Angel Bowls.  The website also has a section called "Inspirational Message" which I found to be very uplifting and indeed inspirational.  It also shows that this is not just a business for them, but a vocation. 

Even if you see them at a show still have a look at the website 

A percentage of their profits go to SOS Childrens Villages

They are going to be at Manchester in April and are offering a free angel message with every purchase.  The perfect addition to your new Angel Bowl...

Friday, 14 March 2014

Weekend Reads

Thought we'd mix it up a little bit this week and have some "Weekend Viewing"!

Found some Spiritual Blockbusters to recommend.  Just a few films that pack a spiritual (and emotional) punch.  Please note the trailers for "What Dreams may Come" and "Cloud Atlas" show some scenes that children may find disturbing.

Have you seen any of these?  Do you have any favourites that you'd recommend?

Have a great weekend ;)

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Simon Goodfellow Workshops

As part of our features on our authors and speakers, we're doing a feature on Simon Goodfellow today.

Many of you know Simon from his platform work and his private sessions.  He has been working as a professional medium now for the last fourteen years.  He is always in high demand at every event he goes to, due to his natural presence that just makes people feel very at ease, even when they are new to this type of experience.  

Everyone has the potential for psychic ability.  We've all had experiences that would suggest this, some more than others.  Whether we decide to pursue this or not is a very individual decision. If we do decide to pursue it, it's very difficult to know where to start.

Simon offers workshops that breaks down this spiritual process into different levels.  You can then take this training as far as you like.  Once you finish the levels there is even an opportunity to do some work with Simon.  The workshops are broken down into three main sections:

The Mechanics of Mediumship & Psychic Skill of  Psychometry 

This is where your Spiritual & Psychic journey would begin, on The Mechanics of Mediumship workshop you will be taught:

How to clear, still & focus your mind
How to protect yourselves
The difference between all types of Mediumship
And finally the Psychic Skill of Psychometry.

The Advanced Mediumship Level 1; The Advancement of Mediumship 
and basic knowledge of Tarot & one to one readings.

This level is for people who already have some experience and wish to develop further.
Simon will give you your Spirit guide who is with you the help you develop.
You will learn how to bond and work with your. Spirit guide.
Simon will also teach you how to use the Tarot cards with you Spirit guide and how to conduct a one to one reading.
Learning to read the Tarot with your Spirit guide is completely different than learning meaning from a book, because everyone life's are very different so one card and one meaning would never relate to everybody.

The Advanced Mediumship level 2; The Masters of Mediumship & developing a higher level of understanding in working with the Major & Minor Arcana.

This workshop is for people who have completed the last two levels with Simon and wish to develop and work professional with Spirit.
Simon will teach you a greater knowledge of Spirit guides around you & their purpose.
You will also gain an increased trust and confidence when working with Spirit.

Many of Simons' past students are now working professionally.  Whether you're thinking of a complete change of lifestyle and career or just want to enhance any natural talent you have, have a look at Simons' website for more information dates and venues. 

Have you been on any psychic workshops or any classes?  We'd love to hear about any experiences you've had!

Friday, 7 March 2014

Weekend Reads

Apologies for the lack of activity on the blog this last week.  We've been having a re-vamp and re-organised a little.  We will be back to normal from monday and are also planning some more in-depth interviews to follow later.

In the meantime we have some Weekend Reads for you and whatever you've up to this weekend have a great time!

Jesse Kalisher

Jesse Kalisher is an American photographer who published a book called "If You See the Buddha" gorgeous photos of Buddha in everyday surroundings.  A beautiful book and his website shows off his gorgeous photography that has a spiritual thread running through it.

Karen Kingston

It's spring!  If, like me, you've suddenly got a desire for clearing out your clutter, Karen Kingston is the one to help.  Her website is a wealth of tips for de-cluttering, Feng Shui and cleansing.

Kate West

Kate is an author and speaker on Witchcraft, she speaks at many events including non-pagan and

inter-faith events. She states she wants put a positive face on the craft. Interesting website with lots of articles and links.

The Retreat Company

An index of retreats, spa getaways, holistic holidays, and well being it too early to think about going on a summer break?!

Saturday, 1 March 2014

Weekend Reads

Apologies for posting this a little late!  Happy reading and we hope you're all having a great weekend.

Urban Ghosts Media

This site describes itself as "hidden history and offbeat travel".  Amazing photographs of abandoned places and little secret pockets all around the world.

The Anxious Gardener 

Most of us woke up to a sunny start to March, getting our springtime hopes up!  This blog is a photo heavy look at two amazing gardens and the work of their "caretaker".  Not a how-to blog as such but it's beautiful imagery inspires us to get back into nature.

Spirituality and Practice

A massive multi-faith site, with a huge amount of articles, blogs and inspiration.  It concentrates on the common themes in all spiritual traditions, instead of looking at the differences.


Bollywood dancing queen and an inspirational voice behind many spiritual and lifestyle ideas.   Her site has many self-care, health, spirituality tools and articles.  Including blogs, links to her retreats and even phone apps.