Monday, 20 January 2014

Interview with Ros Coleman

Today we have a great interview with the wonderful Ros Coleman.  Ros is a psychic and intuitive artist, who paints spirit guides and angels.  She can also paint and tell you about your own past lives.  On top of that she has started an online course to show you how to do the same.  She can be found online at

Many thanks to Ros for taking the time to answer our questions, we've loved reading them.

To start with could you tell us a little bit about yourself?

Having been “sensitive” from birth I found my early years confusing. I am clairvoyant and a natural physical channel for Spirit but did not understand this until much later in life. Some of my childhood experiences include seeing, hearing and sensing “ghosts”; having clear “memories” of incidents in peoples’ lives that I could never have known; feeling I was “someone else” and speaking in voices that were not mine. An angel appeared in my bedroom once. It looked like a very soft, bright light and I felt safe and comforted. I found great peace in daydreaming, art, nature and in the company of animals, birds and insects and still do. Alongside my family and close friends these are my greatest loves.

I was an IT trainer for 20 years, which I loved because it helped people on my courses feel confident and empowered. Plus we had fun and I feel this is so important in a learning environment. In my 40’s I retrained as a life coach and stress management consultant, working with individuals and high profile companies. Becoming atuned to reiki in 2000 was pivotal spiritually as it reawakened the skills I had allowed to grow dormant over the years.

By 2004 I had met others in my spiritual “family” on Earth and with them, was trained by teachers in Spirit, during meditations, to use my intuitive skills through art. It was a magical time, full of love, kindness and laughter. I never forgot the beautiful angel from my childhood and I wanted to paint spirit guardians for other people. So this is what Spirit taught me, and what I came to do for others. Eventually I came to understand that I am a medium and not just “over imaginative”. It was reassuring finding other people who’d had similar experiences discovering the spiritual community felt like coming home.

After several years working in Mind Body and Spirit shows as a psychic artist, I accumulated a wealth of magical experience, knowledge and understanding. I now share this with others through workshops and my online course, The Art of Creative Consciousness. Combining my loves of art, nature and Spirit with my experience in developing and running training courses is so fulfilling and I feel truly blessed.

I see the training courses quite literally as spreading Light. The Art of Creative Consciousness attracts students who are spiritually aware and whose hearts beat with love for art, nature and Spirit. My wish, my intention for them is that their confidence unfolds and amplifies as they discover the creativity and beauty that naturally lies within. As our own light grows brighter, it illuminates and warms others around.

What can you tell us about your online course?

‘The Art of Creative Consciousness” is a comprehensive art course for people who wish to awaken or develop their creativity, and discover a deeper connection and understanding with Spirit through their art. The course is based online and has a wealth of multi-media material plus insights and guidance from experienced psychic artists to draw upon.

The course has 6 parts in sequence. Students may self-pace and take as much time as they need, or, for those who prefer to take the entire course in a set time, I run it over a period of 2 months with live weekly teleconferences in which all can attend and take part. The next course runs March through April 2014.

The first set course ran in July/August 2013. The course itself, the students and their results were phenomenal.  They created beautiful paintings, full of energy and symbology; connected with angels, spirit people and nature spirits. Some had never painted before and others were more experienced. We all learned masses and had such fun. To read more about the course and see students’ painting and feedback, please visit my website

Which writer/thinker has influenced you the most?

Without question, the writer/thinker I admire most and whose writings I pay most attention to is the Dalai Lama.  I love books and my walls as lined with books on a variety of topics – channeled spiritual works, therapies, arts and crafts, pets and wildlife to more scientific material like anatomy, NLP and psychoneuroimmunology.

I like to pick out a spiritual book from time to time and as it falls open, something on the page seems to answer a question or deliver some understanding I’ve been seeking. Some I dip into and others, like the extraordinarily talented Psychic Artist Coral Polge’s “Living Images” I’ve read time and again.

Books I have recommended to others are Louise Hay’s “You Can Heal your Life” and “A Guide for the Advanced Soul” by Susan Hayward. The content of each is both enlightening and practical. They are easy to read and when the principles are applied, they work. When I think about it, this is the ethos on which my courses and books are based.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

Laughing now. It’s more a comment really, made by my Dad after some scrape I got into as a small child. He said to me (in his own inimitable and down-to-Earth way) “If Rosalind fell into a cesspit she’d come out smelling of roses”. My life has been full of adventures, with my fair share of twists and turns and ups and downs and I’ve always emerged safely and wiser after the event. The belief his words instilled have seen me through the tough times and I remember them, and him, with love and gratitude.

Would you name 6 “Desert Island” books or films (ones you would like if you were stranded on a desert island - for young ones who don’t know about Desert Island discs!)

Films – Billy Elliot – a heartwarming story with a feelgood ending. I can’t count the number of times I’ve watched the ending on Youtube. Love it! And Jungle Book, which I’ve still not seen and children would love.

Books – something practical for surviving on a desert island, like the SAS Survival Handbook by John Lofty Williams. For a fascinating esoteric read - The Secret Life of Plants by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird. And for sheer inspiration Nelson Mandela’s Autobiography, The Road to Freedom.

Finally, a song. It’s totally in keeping with the desert island “Somewhere over the Rainbow” sung by Israel "IZ" Kamakawiwoʻole. Enjoy the song here on Youtube.

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