Monday, 25 November 2013

Interview with Kristy Hodges

Welcome to Monday!  Today we have a wonderful interview with Kristy Hodges of Serendipity Crystals

Kristy runs her own business selling crystals, jewellery and her own artwork.  Her website is an amazing source of inspiration, information and all things spiritual.

Many thanks to Kristy for being interviewed and make sure you check out her website before the shows start again next year.

To start could you tell us a little about yourself.

My name is Kristy Hodges. I was born in California in 1972, but spent a lifetime growing up in overseas countries and travelling the world. I first ‘felt’ the energetic impact of a crystal in 1990. It was Moldavite and the flush sent me out of my mind! It took a further 20 extensive years to learn how to work with crystals & energy.
Since then, my spiritual journey has spanned many countries & cultures from the Middle East to Asia and Europe to America. I have studied in depth: indigenous cultures, animal medicine, astrology, tarot, mediumship, psychic skills, shamanism, paganism, counselling, psychology, archetypes, relationships & parenting to name but a few subjects and have been blessed enough to experience many wonderful adults, children, angels and spirits along the way.
I now live in Yorkshire, UK, with my beautiful teenage son. I’m in a wonderful, adventurous, healthy relationship with the love of my life and supported by the most amazing family & friends. To top it off, I have the joy of running Serendipity Crystals, travelling the country as a crystal retailer, therapist, counsellor, spiritual development guide and empowerment coach. In my spare time I volunteer as a Childline School Services Volunteer for the NSPCC and co-own a Harley Davidson motorcycle.

Sounds as though you have a very busy business, which aspect of it is your favourite - coaching, retailing or art?

I absolutely love helping people to spiritually develop their gifts. Each of us is so different - someone may be a healer or psychic, but their gift could be very specific and its fascinating to spend that in depth, one on one time with someone. To witness a person realise how unique they are and how they can develop and utilise their particular gift in different areas of life, or even turn it into a career gives me an amazing boost! Its so exciting! I believe in helping others to help themselves rather than my doing it for them. Am honoured to have the ability to show people the beauty and amazing light within themselves and to guide them on the next part of their journey. Crystals are an easy way for me to access a person's past experiences and energy - they are a fantastic tool to use so crystals are always part of the spiritual development process for me.

Been all over the world and studied many cultures, do you have a favourite part of the world from a spiritual point of view?

I think Sri Lanka is a stunning part of the world - the people have so little in comparison to the Western world. Considering many of the families I met live in small wooden shacks in the jungle, they touched me with their generosity and positive, easy approach to life. It wasn't just the people, it was the energy of the country with its ruins, temples and unspoilt beauty that wove itself through the fabric of my being and captured my heart. It is a very under developed country, so the energy of the place is raw and vibrant, full of exotic places where the connection to Earth was unreal and, of course, absolutely stunning beaches! The desert where I grew up will always hold a special place in my heart too. There is something indescribable about lying on the sand dunes at night, with no light pollution for miles and starting up at the stars - to feel the heat of the Earth underneath you and be staring at an entire sky full of galaxies and stars - its simply amazing and I've never been able to find that particular sense of peacefulness, quiet and connection anywhere else in the world. I still miss it now.

How do feel you've evolved creatively?

Until I was pushed and jostled by Spirit aged 35, I hadn't picked up a paintbrush since attending at school. Painting made me feel wonderful, but I've always felt very amateur and self conscious about my artwork as I have no formal training and no idea how to use half of the tools and materials am drawn to. Its definitely an ongoing personal journey for me as I create in fits and starts - when its flowing, its wonderful and I love what is created and working with energies that seem to come from some place outside of myself. When I hit a wall and stop for awhile, the old insecurities come back and I feel very vulnerable and unsure about putting myself out there on an artistic level. Then the next creative burst hits and even though I feel scared and unsure, its not possible to ignore it. Something either inside or outside of myself won't allow me to put the paint brush down - the images and colours come in dreams or someone will turn up out've the blue and ask for a commission (usually one I'll have no idea how to accomplish) and I'll be off on the next part of my creative journey.

Which writer/thinker has influenced you the most.

Arrgghhh - this one is SO difficult as there have been three authors that have changed my life completely. Eckhart Tolle is one. I'd read some of his more 'zen' like books and thought they were OK, but nothing ground breaking until I read A New Earth. Mr Tolle starts that book off with the lofty claim of 'this book will change your life' and at the time I thought 'wow, thats a bit arrogant'. Within 100 pages, I realised he was right, that book takes your mind and energy system into a new stage of development completely, but only when you're ready for it. Whats rather strange about that particular book, is I've gone back to read it again and its done it again - even though I know whats coming. Its quite extraordinary. Anthony Robbins is also amazing - so motivational, positive and simple - I adore his books and positive ways of developing ourselves. The third author is Caroline Myss - an amazing energy healer and woman whom I have followed for years, as well as seeing in person in London. I love her down to earth, no holds barred approach to life and the information she provides as a healer and energy intuitive is absolutely spot on. As someone who is fascinated by the human brain, Caroline's work on Sacred Contracts and Archetypes is a must read! As a healer, her books Anatomy of Spirit and Invisible Acts of Power WILL change your life.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given.

Several pieces that have woven into one over the years. We create our own reality, everything happens for a reason and to always, always be yourself.

Would you name 6 “Desert Island” books or films (ones you would like if you were stranded on a desert island - for young ones who don’t know about Desert Island discs!)

It would have to be music for me all the way - I can live without books or films, but to be stranded on an island with no music would drive me insane! I'd mix a load of CDs as am an avid listener of all kinds of music - or even better, just take a radio!

If I had to choose books it would be anything by Laurell K Hamilton. Having had to read so many non-fiction books as part of my career path, it completely rests my brain to get lost in fantastic, naughty, exciting urban fantasy fiction books - I love em!

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