Judith Watson is a complementary therapist and our interviewee for this evening. Judith is a Reflexologist and practitioner of the Bowen Technique as well as developing and providing Naturally Smart Skincare. Judith can be found online at Smart Therapies
Many thanks to Judith for answering our questions and we look forward to seeing her at the shows next year.
To start could you tell us a little bit about yourself.
I was a primary school teacher for over 25 years until i was involved in a serious car accident in 1999. I've always been interested in Complementary therapies, and whilst convalescing I signed up for a reflexology course, thinking I could aim to going part time teaching and part time therapist. I didn't actually get back to work, as I was awarded medical retirement due to a brain injury. Not the most auspicious start to the new millennium but it turned out to be the best thing that could have happened to me!
I decided to do a 'proper' reflexology training, followed by Daoyin Tao face, neck and shoulder massage. A couple of years later I was drawn to Bowen, and that soon became the therapy I did most of the time. A close friend of many years, Norman, also decided to retrain at the same time, and we completed the Bowen training together in 2004.
I then went off on a bit of a tangent and started making natural Skincare products! This came about when I decided to learn how to do facials as an extension to face massage, and wanted a natural range of products I was happy to use, on myself as well. When I started to research ingredients I was horrified at what was in many so-called natural products! I read a little bit about making my own and had a dabble, then I discovered that my raw ingredient suppliers in Scotland ran courses on product-making - I signed up to the first available dates, and haven't stopped inventing recipes for new products ever since! Norman decided to help in this venture, and we now both make our products, I make up new recipes and Norman does the boring but necessary paperwork and legalities.
Can you explain to us a bit more about the Bowen Technique?
Bowen Technique is amazing! I never tire of seeing people come into the clinic in pain, and either walk out feeling a lot easier, or phone me a couple of days later to tell me the pain has almost miraculously gone. Even better is when I feel that they are expecting no improvement at all, as in their eyes I have done practically nothing, yet they notice a huge improvement very quickly.
It is a gentle technique that originated in Australia in the 1950s, and has been slowly spreading around the world since its originator Tom Bowen's death. It reached the UK in the early 1990s. It works on soft tissue - muscles, tendons and fascia; most people come for things like a bad back, or a bad knee, but it is also very effective for emotional and organic problems. Many people just tell me how good they feel in general, and have often had improvements in conditions they haven't told me about as well as the condition they came to have treated.
What can we expect from you at the shows?
This year we are concentrating on our Skincare range, rather than therapies. We have spent a lot of time (and money!) developing our recipes and ensuring that they comply with new European legislation that came into effect in July 2013. They are now fully compliant, and we have the possibility of creating an almost infinite selection of products from a wide range of ingredients - I can't wait to get started, just need a bit of time between shows and treating clients! So any products that you have been looking for, just ask ..... We will be developing our range of shampoos and face washes to include shower gels, scrubs and hand washes, and I've been working on sun protection and after sun oils that I'm currently testing on holidays. Norman keeps threatening a men's range, so watch this space!
We are also in the midst of repackaging with a new label, which is very exciting.
Which writer/thinker has influenced you the most?
There are two people, one of whom is not really a writer, both related to my current passions - Tom Bowen, the originator of the Bowen Technique (although he didn't realise it at the time, it was just the successful work that he used!) and Kolbjorn Borseth, who was passionate in pioneering the concept of being able to make excellent quality plant based Skincare products in your own home.
Actually, there are three - Zoe Harcombe has completely changed the way I think about food, and has led me to read many books about food, health and dieting that I now tell everyone I meet to read!
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?
Be confident in yourself - and just Follow the Moon! (private joke that will be understood by Happy Cats fans!)
Would you name 6 “Desert Island” books or films (ones you would like if you were stranded on a desert island - for young ones who don’t know about Desert Island discs!)
Books - A Prayer for Owen Meany by John Irving; the Dark Materials trilogy by Philip Pulman, One Day by David Nichols and How to Stop Counting Calories and Start Losing Weight by Zoe Harcombe.
Films are more difficult as I don't watch many - Love Actually and Tin Tin are a couple of recent ones I've enjoyed.
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