Wednesday, 2 July 2014

In Focus...Spiritual Response Therapy

How does it work?

Spiritual Response Therapy is for those that want to look for the deeper meaning of their negative patterns and who wish to be free of their "emotional baggage". It is a very powerful psychic-spiritual system of counselling which researches the subconscious mind and soul records (Akashic) to find and release discordant, limiting ideas, beliefs and programmes we can carry from past lives that impact us in our present. This is done through working with High Self using a specific set of charts and a pendulum.

The principles of SRT are based on the belief that we are spiritual beings in a physical body through which we learn our lessons allowing our soul to develop and grow. There is no such thing as co-incidence, so everyone we meet, every situation we find ourselves in, we and they are there for a reason. The opportunities and gifts to learn our lessons are presented to us through our relationships, friendships, our work situation, money, our ethics and morals and many more. When we keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again, we often feel powerless to help ourselves and do anything about it.

Often, this is carry over negative energy from a past life, that for some reason, we were unable to learn the lesson. At a soul level, that lesson still remains outstanding, so it has been presented to us again in this lifetime to deal with. Over time and many incarnations, our soul and physical body is full of stuff we would rather be without. We may tell ourselves and others that is the way we are, but it is not. It is a response to the negative programming we have picked up and we have been carrying these emotions and blocking our highest good for a long while.

Negative programmes such as "Self Punishment", "Blocks to Prosperity", "Imprints", "Experience/Trauma", "Identification", and "Conflict" can be researched and cleared. Spiritual Response Therapy or SRT as it is known,is an accurate way of changing hidden subconscious blocks and negative programming that prevent us from moving forward and expressing ourselves to our highest potential in this lifetime. A clearing can have a profound effect on people as they start to understand the mental and emotional blocks which may be seriously affecting and restricting their expression of life. Guilt, low self esteem, fear, unworthiness, self punishment, addictions, self limitation, abandonment, betrayal, failure and many more can be released enabling healing to take place at all levels.

Through an SRT clearing you can learn about significant past lives and beliefs. When High Self clears a programme or block, the negative energy pattern from your subconscious and soul records (Akashic) is erased. Instead of being driven by these subconscious beliefs, you become free to live your greatest potential - the person you were meant to be.


Prepare to have your life changed in amazing ways!
Feelings of freedom and lightness
For some a clearing can be very emotional
Releasing of pain and hurt is replaced with feelings of love and harmony
Inner peace
Release of mental anguish and emotional turmoil
Feelings of empowerment as you become free to take back control of your life
Side effects
If only specific symptoms are worked on without doing a full clearing first, the root or core issue of the problem may not be cleared and in time you could see the symptom return.

Duration and number of sessions

One full session is usually enough and takes approximately two hours.
Single issues can be addressed usually in one hour depending on the nature of the issue but see side effects above.
Clearings can be done face to face, on the telephone, or remotely.
Spiritual Response Therapy is not regression and you will not be hypnotised. SRT is only concerned with eliminating negative patterns of behaviour and releasing negative emotions. You remain fully clothed, sitting in a friendly, safe and relaxed environment.

Safety issues

Safe for every age group
Safe for every level of health
You must inform the Practitioner of any medical condition

For more information visit

This article was first published on

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