Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Interview - Alix Davies

Originally published on 16th August 2013.

Today we have an interview with Alix Davies of Chalice College. Chalice College is a recognised Penny Price satellite school.

We've loved reading this interview and want to thank Alix for taking the time to answer our questions.

To start with could you tell us a little bit about yourself? 

I qualified as a teacher in 1971 and worked many years for Rotherham Borough Council in several local schools, I have also taught piano and adult literacy as well as teaching therapies. As a little girl I loved plants, scents, discovered crystals, yoga and various other fascinating subjects and this interest has continued all my life. I have always had an interest in Complementary Therapies, particularly Aromatherapy and have qualifications in many areas including Clinical Aromatherapy, Infant Massage, Lymphatic Drainage Massage, Daoyin Tao, Indian Head Massage, Reiki, Crystal Therapy, Beauty therapy, Hot stone massage and others I still work as a practising therapist so have an understanding of the every-day needs of a successful practitioner. My teaching is based on practical skills as well as theoretical knowledge.

When was Chalice College established and how did it originate? 

 Loving teaching and having a passion for holistic therapies it was logical to combine them, so Chalice College developed. I love sharing the knowledge and skills I have and encourage my students to do the same; many bring here their expertise in a wide variety of areas and we share what we know so that we have more skills and information to draw from when treating people. Working as a therapist I had tried oils from several sources and found that Penny’s worked best for me, so when I was organising my school I wanted the best for my students. I had done several courses at the Penny Price Academy so Penny knew me and when I approached her to discuss this she suggested that I might like to become a satellite school… I gave her my C V and so Chalice College was born in 2009.

You don't do distance learning, do you have plans for that or do you prefer to be "hands on"?

We have always had aspects of learning that can be done at home, for example part of the IFPA upgrade includes a tailor-made course to cover any aspects needed so students can then join the later modules without having to cover everything again (saving money too). The Penny Price Academy has put in place some distance learning courses; please ask me for further information. Obviously there are courses that have practical elements such as massage where it is necessary to be present to ensure the techniques are correct. My own view is that people learn in different ways so some methods suit better than others and it is a personal choice. If someone is confident in learning situations and happy to extrapolate their own information, plan their own study times and is self- motivated distance learning is good for them. It can be fitted into times to suit them and their other commitments. However as with any solitary learning, distance learning has drawbacks – the lack of discussion and exchange of views and information from colleagues being one, another being the opportunity to ask a question at the time it is at the forefront of your mind. I am always here to ask, but waiting for an email reply when you want to know there and then can be frustrating, also sometimes those questions then just do not get asked. In class we get to know each other, it is friendly and informal; students are encouraged to ask those questions: information can be explained in a variety of ways and we can go over a point again if needed, also as a teacher with many years’ experience I have tips and techniques I can offer my students to make the learning easier.

Which writer/thinker has influenced you the most? 

 I thought a long time about this –being not so young I have had a lot of influences in my life: but came to the conclusion that the person with most influence was my mum. I know it sounds obvious but I didn’t realise it until much later in my life: previously I would have said this person influenced that aspect of my thinking – another that and so on. With a greater overview I realise I was lucky because mum was very open- minded and encouraged me to read whatever I wanted to and encouraged discussion. I remember she would let me have her library tickets (no internet then and children were not allowed to get books from the adult section and anyway the children’s section only allowed three books – not nearly enough), also she took me everywhere she could so I was able to see and experience whatever was possible. All this meant that I came across a lot of information and viewpoints, learned to be open to thoughts and ideas and to evaluate them and so my own philosophies have developed gradually. It is an on-going process.

What's the best piece of advice you've been given? 

Again the best advice came from Mum; it was what her father said to her: “Lass, what you know would fill a book – what you don’t know fills a library” Never close your mind and think you know it all – always listen to other people and respect their views, you might think you are right but you can never be sure.

Would you name six "desert island" films or books? 

Only six books / films. This was difficult – I am a bookaholic!! No six books would be enough, however thinking it through much of the enjoyment of a book is in sharing it with others, so the ones I have chosen are ones I have particularly enjoyed sharing with people who mean a lot to me and re-reading those books brings back that happiness.

I have ‘cheated’ a bit; instead of films I have plays The Wind in the Willows Mum read this to me when I was very young (along with many others). I liked this because I liked the character of Ratty, he was so generous and went out of his way to give pleasure to others and always considered their feeling, putting their well-being ahead of his own. I experienced so many feelings in this book – awe on finding Otters lost son and meeting Pan; fear in the Wild Wood; the feelings and emotions that were brought by the different seasons, and not least the humour surrounding Toads adventures and character.

The Water Babies Another one read to me when little. I have re-read this many times and have had increasingly better understanding of it as I got older. As a little girl I couldn’t understand how Tom could cry because Mr. Grimes being hurt and punished – I thought he deserved it. This book was probably the earliest lesson in karma that I remember.

Tom Sawyer It was so funny and the people so true to people everywhere. I love Mark Twain’s humour. I particularly liked Tom having to paint the fence and getting others to do it for him, it was so clever; also his comment that he was only called Thomas when he was in trouble – this came back to me when at times I gave my own children their full titles, and when they call me ‘mother’ instead of ‘mum’. These three books particularly take me back to evenings cuddled up and sharing the emotions of all the adventures, to a time of being loved, secure and taken care of; love and happiness. I have read these to my children and grandchildren because these are things that should be shared.

The Crucible. I am really thinking about an RSC performance here that was ‘in the round’. We were in a large hall, the actors moved in and through the audience and in that way we became part of the action, particularly the courtroom scene, became equally responsible for the decisions made, and so it was particularly powerful. At the end the audience was too stunned to react and it took ages before we could move to give applause (which was overwhelming too). I had taken my elder daughter and was a wonderful experience to have shared. The book brings back the memory.

The Canterbury Tales. This again is a theatre performance, I had taken my younger daughter and we actually did laugh until it hurt. I have heard that term but this is the only time I experienced it – we held our sides because they ached. Before the performance officially began, the late Brian Glover came out and walked round the audience in a chicken costume (The Nun’s Priest’s Tale). He was the Miller he told us and the powers that be wouldn’t allow him to tell his tale as it was too bawdy; he was drumming up support in the audience to get them to let him tell it, the audience joined in and of course we got all the tales including the rude ones. The humour was not just in the stories themselves but in the portrayal of the characters, the visual humour of the costumes and the altercations between the ‘stuffed shirt’ attitude of the ‘directors’ and the down to earth character that Brian Glover played so well. I would choose this not only because it reminds me of a great evening sharing this with my daughter, but takes me back to doing ‘A’ level English Lit. We were only going to study the moral and uplifting ones but like in the play we all read the rude ones as well, which I am sure the teachers expected. A happy time I am glad to return to.

The White Goddess. I admire Robert Graves, his poetry, his prose, his plays. I have added this book because each time I read it, it gives me more to think about. It reminds me of Graves himself, his other works and what a brilliant mind he had. This book and others like it have helped to form my thinking taking me to where I am now and to the so very lovely people I meet in the course of this work. Like Ratty they are generous, unselfish put the welfare of others as a main concern; they are loving and lovely people.

Monday, 28 July 2014

Guest Post - Writing Your Own Powerful Affirmations by Wendy Betterini

Writing Your Own Powerful Affirmations Writing Your Own Powerful Affirmations by Wendy Betterini

A common question I see from people just beginning their personal development journey is, "How do I write effective affirmations?" Often they will go in search of existing affirmations that they can apply to their own situation, but they may or may not find something that works for them.

In my experience, it is much simpler to come up with our own personal affirmations because they'll get right to the heart of the matter like nothing else can!

First, let's explore the reasons for using affirmations so we can be clear about our objectives in writing them. An affirmation is most often used to help us think and feel more positive, empowered, and in control of a particular situation. On a deeper level, an affirmation is meant to ALTER OUR EXISTING BELIEFS.

Remember that our current circumstances are a direct result of our past thinking. In order to change our future experiences, we need to change our current thinking. You might find it helpful to first get clear about exactly what your current beliefs are. Think about the various aspects of your life, like your career, financial status, relationships, health, and so on. As you think about these situations, ask yourself what beliefs they reveal. If you have a lot of financial struggles, your existing belief might be, "I don't have enough money," or "I can't stop accumulating debt." Because you believe these things, your outer circumstances have come together in such a way that supports your beliefs.

Affirmations can help us change our beliefs, if they are worded correctly.

The first thing to understand is the importance of wording affirmations in present tense. Notice the difference in feelings you get from saying, "I will eat healthful, nutritious foods and exercise each day", or "I enjoy eating healthful, nutritious foods and exercising each day." The second statement makes the affirmation part of your experience NOW, while the first keeps the reality off in some uncertain future period of time.

Okay, so wording affirmations in the present tense is important, but how can we tell which words will give us the result we desire? The clues lie in our existing circumstances and beliefs.

If you are unhappy with the size or state of your body, you have been holding a belief that you are unhealthy, weak, unworthy, or lacking in beauty. In order to change your negative belief about your body, you must embrace a more positive belief. "I am healthy, strong, lean, and sexy" would be a good affirmation to begin changing this perception, but remember that it will first seem like you're lying to yourself. Even though you are saying the words, you are not feeling the truth of such a statement.

Consistent repetition over time will begin to change that, but it's important to keep up with the practice. There are two times when you should recite your affirmations:

1) Whenever you notice a conflicting belief. If you go shopping for clothes and you see an unpleasant image in the dressing room mirror and your mind begins its litany of negativity, "I'm so fat, oh my god, I can't believe they let a beast like me walk around in public, I'm never going to be beautiful, I should just wear a tent for god's sake!" -- stop yourself, close your eyes and call up an image of yourself looking radiant, healthy, beautiful, and fit. Recite your affirmation ("I am healthy, strong, lean, and sexy") with full faith that it is becoming your reality, moment by moment.

2) All the time. (Or as often as possible.) Don't just wait for negative beliefs to pop up so you can recite your affirmations, say them as often as you can remember! Write them down and stick them on your bathroom mirror, the dashboard of your car, the headboard on your bed, in your wallet, or any place where you are likely to see them frequently. The more repetition you can engage in, the more quickly you will begin to replace your old, limiting beliefs with empowering new ones.

Finally, the MOST important part of affirmations is the intensity of belief you hold while you are reciting them. If you just say the words mechanically and dispassionately, guess what happens? You won't be changing your existing beliefs because the whole time you're reciting affirmations (no matter how great they are!), you will also have an inner voice saying, "Give me a break, who do you think you're kidding?"

However, if you instead CHOOSE to believe your new affirmations with full faith and conviction, you will challenge the validity of your existing beliefs. Two opposing beliefs cannot co-exist in your mind at the same time. It HAS to be one or the other. This is a good thing because it means that the more you shift your confidence in your new beliefs, your old beliefs will fade away and eventually cease to exist. When that happens, your physical circumstances will shift and change in order to support your new beliefs.

About the Author: Visit for more great articles and ebooks about the Law of Attraction. Need some daily reinforcement? Sign up for our FREE Daily Align-ders - short and sweet reminders to help you get (and stay) in alignment with your intentions:

Article Source:

Friday, 25 July 2014

Weekend Reads

Have a lovely weekend!  The first one of the summer holidays for many of you with little ones at school ;)

Here's a few sites to have a browse around during quiet times....don't forget you can sign up to follow the blog by e-mail.

The New Age Blog

A blog with lots of different articles but it's essentially a forum and a chance for networking as well.

Unique Travel Photo

Immerse yourself in some of the most amazing photographs of this planet that we are lucky enough to call home.

Historic UK

Looking for some summer breaks with a difference?  This website has combined accommodation with amazing stories of the local areas.

Random Images from Viral Nova

Just a little bit of silliness!

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Interview - Sidney Vincent

Revisiting some older interviews as part of our new "line up" so to speak!  This is the first interview we published when we started up the blog again.


To start off our interviews we've got an interview with Sidney Vincent.  His business The Neem People will be exhibiting at Elsecar on 24th and 25th August after a long absence.

To start off, could you tell us a little bit about yourself?

 The hospitality industry provided my background.  My hotel management training and qualifications provided me with the springboard to venture into the world, catapulting me to a number of countries worldwide where my real education began. Insularity went out of the window as I voraciously absorbed the cultures of the countries  I was fortunate to work and live in. Old heads will tell you that the best way to learn a business is by starting at the bottom, and by keeping an open mind as you climbed each rung of the ladder. In doing this I learned how to communicate with people at all levels and to appreciate the efforts needed to keep the wheels of the business turning successfully.
Domestic requirements put paid to globetrotting and I had to scale > down to a different level. It was a calculated descent, rather than a fall, and it took the steadfast support of my wife to help me through the initial difficult period. The inherent spirit kicked in and we went on to gain national recognition as Innkeepers. Physical problems put paid to this chapter.
In a chance encounter, a clinical aromatherapist friend happen to mention her using Neem effectively in treating a major head lice problem. I found a seed and lodged it in my fertile mind: I remembered Neem from my childhood ( did  I mention that I am from India?) and cogitated on the fact that no one seemed to know about Neem in the UK – nay, in the western world- so I decided to  spread the word.

Can you tell us the benefits of your products?

 Not for nothing is the Neem Tree called The Village Pharmacy, as the benefits are numerous. Taken internally Neem helps stimulate the immune system, liver detoxification, regulate body functions. It’s anti- fungal properties make it helpful in treating internal fungal problems. It is also antibacterial and antiseptic . All these properties come to the fore in Neem body products such as face creams, lotions, soaps, toothpaste and other oral hygiene products. The proven benefits of The Neem People’s Neem products are now fairly well known worldwide.

You've stayed true to your vision ie not been tempted by MLM, is this a vocation rather than "just a job"?

We like to paddle our own and have had to paddle upstream sometimes, but we have the satisfaction of knowing that our achievements to date are off our own bat, mixed metaphors et al. Like most starters we have had approaches from others to sell their products, but we will not be swayed from our path of promoting the benefits of the Neem Tree. We are passionate about this and set ourselves as examples of what the Neem Tree has done for us, and what it can do for others.

Which writer/thinker has influenced you the most?

 Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and other icons have inspired many to rise above themselves. My inspiration comes from nearer home; my father.

What's the best piece of advice you've been given?

Do whatever you are doing to the best of your ability, with dignity, and your reward must follow, though it may not be in the way you were hoping.
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. You reap what you sow.

Many thanks to Sidney for taking the time to answer our questions. You can find him on the web at

Monday, 21 July 2014

Guest Post - Lucid Dreaming by David Allen

Solve Problems In Your Sleep With Lucid Dreaming Solve Problems In Your Sleep With Lucid Dreaming by David Allen

Lucid dreaming is dreaming while being aware that you are dreaming. The idea is that once you are aware you are dreaming you can alter your dreams and control what happens. Once perfected, it allows you to control the direction of your dreams. This is an enticing prospect for creative problem solving since when dreaming, you are restricted only by your imagination, not by the “realities’ of physical constraints or social customs. Imagine being able to develop new ideas, chat with Einstein, or get golf tips from Tiger Woods.

Can you learn to have lucid dreams?

Lucid dreaming is like any other skill—some people are naturally better at it than others but most can learn how to do it. To learn how, it’s important to first know a bit about the stages of sleep.

Our sleep patterns follow a repeating cycle that involves different levels of sleep having different brainwave activity. Each cycle lasts about 90 to 100 minutes so a person will typically experience 4 to 5 complete sleep cycles a night. The stages of this cycle involve four levels of Slow-Wave or Non-REM sleep followed by REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep.

Although some dreaming occurs during the other stages of sleep, the most vivid dreaming occurs during the REM stage. During this time, the higher frequency beta waves keep the mind active. As its name suggests, REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep is characterized by frequent bursts of rapid eye movement, along with occasional muscular twitches. The first REM period occurs about 90 minutes after falling asleep and lasts about 10 minutes. This REM period increases in subsequent sleep cycles during the night.

How do you start?

One of the first requirements for having lucid dreams is to be able to recall your dreams. This can be done with a little practice. A good method is to focus your intent on remembering your dreams. Before falling asleep, repeat to yourself over and over, “I will awake from my dreams and completely remember them.” If your thoughts wander, try to come back to this affirmation so that it is your last thought before drifting off to sleep. Another good technique is to keep a dream journal to record your dreams upon waking. Whenever you awake, immediately attempt to focus on what you had just been dreaming and write it down on a writing pad. Try to capture all the key points, such as what you were doing, where you were, and who was around you. Also, note anything strange such as things that wouldn’t normally happen in the waking world. If you find these strange events recur in your dreams, then they are your personal dream signs which you can use to recognize when you are dreaming.

Inducing lucid dreams

Lucid dreaming is usually induced by some sort of cue—something that indicates to the person that what they are experiencing is a dream, and not reality. These cues are often referred to as dream signs. Dream signs are usually things or events that would be impossible or very unusual in the waking world. Some examples of dream signs are breathing under water, flying, light switches that don’t work, suddenly returning to work at an old job, or being naked. Whenever a dream sign occurs in your dream, stop and ask yourself whether or not it is possible. If the answer is no, you are dreaming! With practice you can learn to recognize when you are dreaming by looking for these cues and doing a “reality check”.

Once you have “caught” yourself dreaming, you can start to control your dream. Try changing the scene or situation, or controlling your own actions. In order to be successful at controlling your dreams, you should believe that what you are trying to do is possible. So it’s important to remember that you are in control and anything you want is possible. Start with some small things and gradually work up to more challenging activities.

A good resource in this area is Dr. Stephen LaBerge's book Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming which is based on his extensive laboratory work at Stanford University. However, if you really want to speed up the learning process, there are audio CDs available that enable you to experience lucid dreaming in just days. One program that has had good reviews is Bradley Thompson’s The Lucid Dreaming Kit. The kit includes an Audio Stimulation CD that you play as you go to sleep which incorporates special beats and prompts to help you become lucid when dreaming.

Using Lucid Dreaming for Creative Problem Solving

Although lucid dreaming can be used for many applications, one of the most intriguing is to solve problems in your sleep. Lucid dreaming is a powerful tool that taps into your brain’s most creative state without the normal sensory distractions that disturb our focus during waking hours. Lucid dream offers the potential for truly creative thinking.

About the Author: David Allen is an award-winning inventor with a strong interest in simple and practical methods to enhance creative thinking. Visit for more easy tools and techniques to increase your creativity.

Article Source:

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Chester Information

Some information for those of you going to the Chester event who are using SatNav.  You need to pop Greyfriars, Chester into your Satnav rather than the postcode to get the right directions.  Some Satnavs are sending people to the wrong side of the course if the postcode is used.

Don't forget to tell the car park attendant you are there for the BSSK event and he won't charge you for parking!

Also the Race for Life is leaving from the Race Course at approx 10am on Sunday.  It should be done by 10-10:30 so shouldn't affect visitors after then.

Above all, have a great time!

Friday, 11 July 2014

Weekend Reads

Well, not the best weather forecast for the weekend.  I'm sure we were supposed to be in the middle of a heatwave...

Anyway, we've got a few sites from around the web to have a little look (or a long look!) at this weekend.  Have a great weekend.

Rookie Notes 

A very inspirational young lady who writes about gratitude and contributing to the world.  Only 22 she manages to restore your faith in the next generation.

Spiritual Science Research Foundation

Some amazing articles on this site, spiritual research but done in scientific way.  Lots of subjects from destiny, karma, weather, nutrition, 6th sense, and addictions.

Oh She Glows

Wonderful vegan recipes for beginners and vegan veterans.  Nutritional advice on allergies and food intolerance's as well.

Conspiracy Cafe

Who doesn't love a good conspiracy theory?  Articles, podcasts, and videos from the ridiculous to a few that do make you think....!

Thursday, 10 July 2014

10 Things...Spiritual Retreats in the UK

Retreats are an integral part of some spiritual traditions.  Others have retreats almost as an "optional extra".

People feel the need to go on them for many reasons.  The idea is to retreat from everyday life and take time to reflect, contemplate and reconnect with your spirituality.  

They can be a time of solitude or a community event.

We've got a list (not exhaustive!) of 10 around the UK from varying spiritual practices.  Some of these only hold a couple of year but are good to keep in mind for next year.  

I've already sent off for one brochure, which one catches your eye?

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

In Focus...Spiritual Response Therapy

How does it work?

Spiritual Response Therapy is for those that want to look for the deeper meaning of their negative patterns and who wish to be free of their "emotional baggage". It is a very powerful psychic-spiritual system of counselling which researches the subconscious mind and soul records (Akashic) to find and release discordant, limiting ideas, beliefs and programmes we can carry from past lives that impact us in our present. This is done through working with High Self using a specific set of charts and a pendulum.

The principles of SRT are based on the belief that we are spiritual beings in a physical body through which we learn our lessons allowing our soul to develop and grow. There is no such thing as co-incidence, so everyone we meet, every situation we find ourselves in, we and they are there for a reason. The opportunities and gifts to learn our lessons are presented to us through our relationships, friendships, our work situation, money, our ethics and morals and many more. When we keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again, we often feel powerless to help ourselves and do anything about it.

Often, this is carry over negative energy from a past life, that for some reason, we were unable to learn the lesson. At a soul level, that lesson still remains outstanding, so it has been presented to us again in this lifetime to deal with. Over time and many incarnations, our soul and physical body is full of stuff we would rather be without. We may tell ourselves and others that is the way we are, but it is not. It is a response to the negative programming we have picked up and we have been carrying these emotions and blocking our highest good for a long while.

Negative programmes such as "Self Punishment", "Blocks to Prosperity", "Imprints", "Experience/Trauma", "Identification", and "Conflict" can be researched and cleared. Spiritual Response Therapy or SRT as it is known,is an accurate way of changing hidden subconscious blocks and negative programming that prevent us from moving forward and expressing ourselves to our highest potential in this lifetime. A clearing can have a profound effect on people as they start to understand the mental and emotional blocks which may be seriously affecting and restricting their expression of life. Guilt, low self esteem, fear, unworthiness, self punishment, addictions, self limitation, abandonment, betrayal, failure and many more can be released enabling healing to take place at all levels.

Through an SRT clearing you can learn about significant past lives and beliefs. When High Self clears a programme or block, the negative energy pattern from your subconscious and soul records (Akashic) is erased. Instead of being driven by these subconscious beliefs, you become free to live your greatest potential - the person you were meant to be.


Prepare to have your life changed in amazing ways!
Feelings of freedom and lightness
For some a clearing can be very emotional
Releasing of pain and hurt is replaced with feelings of love and harmony
Inner peace
Release of mental anguish and emotional turmoil
Feelings of empowerment as you become free to take back control of your life
Side effects
If only specific symptoms are worked on without doing a full clearing first, the root or core issue of the problem may not be cleared and in time you could see the symptom return.

Duration and number of sessions

One full session is usually enough and takes approximately two hours.
Single issues can be addressed usually in one hour depending on the nature of the issue but see side effects above.
Clearings can be done face to face, on the telephone, or remotely.
Spiritual Response Therapy is not regression and you will not be hypnotised. SRT is only concerned with eliminating negative patterns of behaviour and releasing negative emotions. You remain fully clothed, sitting in a friendly, safe and relaxed environment.

Safety issues

Safe for every age group
Safe for every level of health
You must inform the Practitioner of any medical condition

For more information visit

This article was first published on